The eternal dilemma eh? :P
Hmm...Maybe Rasputin, Rochefort, Scaramanga, Dooku instea—no, wait, Death. Christopher Lee is Death himself. This is fantastic.
The eternal dilemma eh? :P
Hmm...Maybe Rasputin, Rochefort, Scaramanga, Dooku instea—no, wait, Death. Christopher Lee is Death himself. This is fantastic.
So you CAN accept supernatural forces, or at least the figurative sentiment, you living contradiction.
Or at least he did, until he refused to accept the conversion to Disquis from Kinja, and with a bit of gerrymandering, got them to use both simultaneously.
Yes, happily they do, some earlier than others.
Look, Sir Pterry has a deal with Death thanks to all of those biographies that he wrote of him, and I’m sure Sir Christopher, Mr. Williams and Mr. Nimoy are having a hilariously metal time of things together.
As himself hopefully, not as Saruman of Many Colours. Have to say though, if he came back as Dracula, that would be pretty cool. He’d actually be immortal then! (Not that he isn’t already.)
Except for Robert Mugabe, on the off-chance that he’s a commenter here.
Damn it, I was under the impression that he might transcend death. He will, of course, but not in the way that I had hoped.
Rest in Peace Sir Christopher. Thank you for your bevy of towering performances and for leading a fascinating life that could inspire anybody.
“Just lent a Nigerian Prince money so he could get his rightful inheritance. Feeling good.”
At least Zach Braff will now know how we felt about his Kickstarter.
You should be. Joanna Lumley deserves better.
It might have just been a cheap joke at the expense of Madonna and her perceived persona, but hey, I got the laughs and the approval. Low-hanging fruit DOES taste sweet sometimes. However, your withering disapproval has made me lie down, so I might just have a…
Dear God you give Patsy a bad rep. It’s an incredibly ironic avatar for you to be using given your complaint.
Immediately condemning a person and their worth as trash based on a facetious comment is your idea of “staying classy”. Don’t be such a hypocritical ignoramus if you plan to instruct others on how conduct themselves on the internet.
Clench or it might fall out.
Not one? Not even a letter?
Thank you. I was worried you would post it here first!
Anyway it’s a great reminder that flats are handy because you never know when you’re gonna need to run from a dinosaur in the middle of the workday.
God, Madonna really is desperate these days.
Only if Sideshow Bob replaces him permanently. That would be hilarious.
(Alright, fine, it’s because I love Kelsey Grammer and want to watch him in everything.)
Perhaps, or perhaps we have different comedic sensibilities.
Also, I doubt all the world’s funniest people do. Surely some of them see him as such, but including the world’s funniest people across Britain, Australia etc.? I doubt it.
I don’t have a badge to prove it, but I’m a riot at parties. You’d be lucky to have me,…