Tell me how it was such a brilliant play? She came out and clobbered the colombian player. I’m not even criticising her for doing it. If it was legal, it was good. But I wouldn’t call it brilliant.
Tell me how it was such a brilliant play? She came out and clobbered the colombian player. I’m not even criticising her for doing it. If it was legal, it was good. But I wouldn’t call it brilliant.
I wouldn’t call it brilliant. She did good to come out, as the colombian barely got her first touch. Competent, but not brilliant.
I love me some wheat beers and hefeweisens. They’ve replaced the shitty Coronas and Coors/Budweisers, I used to drink when I was young, when I just wanted something to quench my thirst on a hot day.
Wow, I honestly thought she was going to use this gig, as either a springboard back to a legitimate news job, or fade into obscurity. I have neither read or watched anything she has done or taken part of, since joining Yahoo. I have zero reason to change. But bully for her.
Wrong. I assumed all too well, why you came to this decision. And all things being equal, if everybody had the same attitude as you, we’ll all die single and alone.
Congratz on being tricked. The word ‘captured’ should have tipped you off. They captured it frame by frame with insane settings, resolution, moblur etc etc. And then just treated it as a movie.
Shitty thing to say: but I kinda hope you’re alone. At least until you figure out, that men go through the same trials and tribulations of dating that women do. If I knew that a girl I found attractive, had this thing where she refused to iniate anything, out of some code she had thought up, then I would assume she…
I feel ya. But any guy who is worth being with in the long term, feels the exact same way. Nobody likes having to shoulder all the work in a relationship.
Women want equality, when it suits their purpose. And men are supposed to magically know exactly when that is. Before I got married, when I dated, I tried to act like a stand up guy, and not be all wishy washy, even though it required putting myself out there a lot more. If I found a lady wasn’t appreciating that, and…
Sorry, but you’re on the WROOONGG website to be spouting off that kind of advice.
I was more or less with you, until you got to Bron and the Sand Snakes. Bron is awesome, and injects alot of levity into his scenes. And the Sand Snakes SUCKED! It was 1000x better that they just move away from them, if they were going to do such a bad job with them.
Not surprised. There were several spots where it definitely appeared her head didn’t quite match up with the rest of the environment. Also she’s shown her bewbs many a time throughout her career. Those weren’t hers.
Oh for crying out loud. Her employer approved of her appt. She then sprung on them a new appt with no notice. I certainly feel for the girl, but a couple days would have made no difference. And would have still had a job.
And Kotaku will be at the forefront of reporting on anything penis related of course.
Is there even glass in the frames? And if there is, are they even real? Based on how little refraction we see of his temple, they don’t look particularly real to me.
People like Nathan, wouldn’t have a job if they didn’t ascribe modern sentiments to games such as these. I expect nothing less from him tbh.
It’s called a crime of passion. I’ve heard in certain European countries you actually get lesser penalties for murders labeled so.
As a lover of hefeweisen, I can certainly agree with this.
How dare you inject common sense and reason in a discussion such as this.