
You’re such a worthless troll. Go back under your bridge.

u mad gurl?

OFFTOPIC: the Nintendo World Championship regional qualifiers are being held today all over the country. I’m surprised Kotaku hasn’t mentioned this anywhere.

Even if what you say is true, how does white, neoliberal men, achieving marriage equality and gay right for themselves, also not achieve them for everybody else?

Having read it as well, I was also forced to obey. My 8 year old was not amused.

According to brighter, apparently not.

He enjoyed beating the shit out of a violent asshole who started the whole thing?

That to me is the definition of a feminist. Maybe not the entire definition, by any right, but an important part of the whole.

You here that? You just got shut the fuck down. People should never engage in conversation, in which they have no personal stake.

They should just come out and say, that they reserve the right to not allow a game to be streamed, if they find it objectionable. Don’t label it ‘adult only ‘games. GTA 5 is what I would call an adult only game.

She will be a company commander. Not a regimental commander.

She will be a commander IN the old guard, not the commander OF the old guard. She will be the company commander of the Regimental HQ. Not trying to diminish her achievement, but what you typed was wrong.

Seriously? Gross! Is it possible it’s linked to antiperspirant use? I use only deoderant. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me.

Don’t forget Rhonda Rousey. Ugh...

Big League Chew? Gross. As a hefeweizen lover, that offends my taste buds.

Well, I’ve got a new fetish now. Thanks!

No offense to these guys, but after watching their video trailer, I wouldn’t pay 1 dollar to have that game even on my harddrive. I’m guessing there is a reason why it failed at both kickstarter and greenlight.

Blizzard seems to completely ignore the fact that previously you couldn’t fly until you hit max level. At which point, most people aren’t that interested in exploration anyways. Garrisons did more to kill exploration, than flying would have ever done.

Exactly. Garrisons killed exploration. Not the removal of flying. Especially when they can just gate flying behind plenty of hurdles. They could even make it require max level, and the finish of a questline that requires ground exploration.

I believe that while your on the ground, you end up exploring and appreciating the environment more than you would flying in the sky.