
And this is....what exactly? Please. About as ridiculous as this site havong now turned into a Tesla PR blog

Yawn. Give me an 8th grade team and they’ll beat them.

Wait, this isn’t jalopnik...

Wah. Wah. Wah. Should’ve been smart and realized that after every boom is a bust.

You mean like Sam Biddle? Don’t you know it’s OK to mouth it...

The best clubs don’t allow women. So who cares about that.

Yes it would, it’s like watching 13 year old boys play basketball.

Let’s see how they do once the incentives run dry. Then we’ll know what kind of company they really are

Have them play against each other for it, I wonder what would be the outcome......

So long as reproductive issues are equal.....

This is a joke piece right? You seriously think this should be in the US? Does anyone here know about the business?

Piss off you nunce.

Cleveland Browns want to know if they can play Japan in a football game.

You tell your kids that, politically, he’s more like Bernie Sanders than republicans. That’s how. Fascism is all left wing governments baby!

Not a slick way of keeping your displeasure quiet.


I got $100 on them coming within 2 goals of the US Women’s national team.

These are good prices. I wonder what you think about the Tesla prices if you think 50K for a car is a lot.


Or, like in most of these cases, women lie or simply regret doing what they did. See Rolling stone, Duke Lacrosse, Patrick Kane, most nights on a college campus...