
Why do so many goddamn sportswriters inundate us with their politics? In very few other jobs can ram your political ideology down throats.

This article translates roughly to, ‘Why do people on ESPN, which is owned by ABC, keep promoting a show on ABC?’

I hope this one passes. From my experience managing and employing workers on projects requiring prevailing wage rates - I have seen a lot of money thrown in the trash.

Maybe I’m too old now but.....when I started out it was called an “internship” and usually paid nothing. Sometimes you would get a small stipend.

Is he wrong though? I mean...does anyone think the gawker (former!) websites pay much for articles like...well, this one? It’s not even an article. It’s a troll job. What’s a troll job pay for gawker (former!)? $10?

thankfully Deadspin would NEVER use young people for work and not pay them... right? RIGHT?

Riiight. Says the website(s) that tried forever to get people to publish free content for them on Kinja.

If I was sports journalist major in college, and the sun times asked me to write up story or summary of a game, and offered me no money, I would still do it. You might make some connections in the process, you would be able to put it in your resume, that you wrote for one of the top papers in a major city. Sorry my

My only comment is that I don’t know why the Mexico City policy is getting so much airtime. This isn’t an example of Trump being crazy or egregious. He’s a Republican and did what every Republican president since Reagan has done. If the next president is a Republican, it’ll stay. If the next one is a Democrat it’ll

Hull’s foot being in the crease was nullified by the “Nothing Good Can Happen To Buffalo” Law of 1986

That’s phenomenal.

Psh, this guy basically wrote the book on hiring foreigners and stashing assets abroad.

Oh Jesus Christ, man the fuck up.

holy shit get it together snowflake

Jesus Christ , find your dignity.

Jesus Christ you people are insufferable. I didn’t vote for the orange overlord, but the hypocrisy in here is unreal. You’re actually shaming First Family members hair and looks, what sort of female empowerment bullshit blog are you again? Grow the fuck up, your tacky is showing.

Jezebel regrets the park name error.

But then at least they’d be equal. Of course, some would still be more equal than others.

Hamilton wouldn’t be happy until every single person is poor.

That’s more of a stunner than an RKO.