No One Knows What The Dead Think

You are aware that your public comments are publicly visible, right?

They were waiting for there to be one female pro-choice candidate left as they didn’t want to pull the weak-assed shit that the NYT pulled and endorse Warren and Klobuchar.

I’ve given more money in this election cycle to Warren than any other candidate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I ultimately voted for her earlier today. I just don’t feel like re-hashing old arguments in which I get called dumb, naive, lazy, or misogynist to varying degrees.

You stated outright that “he didn’t even meet a baseline standard. The only thing that got him within the top two in the early states were the sums of dark money he spent. Truly, the bar must be VERY low for you when it comes to candidates.”

With 4 out of 50 states reporting, this guy’s got all the results.

That’s up there among “dumbest proverbs in the English language”. If your erstwhile master is using tools and you’re using your hands, you lose. You take the master’s hammer, and you kneecap him with it. You take the master’s nails and you crucify him with them.

Do you think he’s trying to expand coverage or limit it?

What a lazy hot take.

Your complaint is that the movie doesn’t throw the entirety of basic storytelling conventions in the trash? Um.

Only after the first ballot. On the first ballot delegates are required to vote according to their pledged status, and pledged delegates to candidates no longer running are bound by this too.

Like who? Openly gay politicians in America is not precisely a deep bench. Tammy Baldwin? Barney Frank? (LOLZ) But really, just Tammy Baldwin.

Klobuchar is 59, though not a man if you were feeling very technical.

Feels right.


Or maybe vote for Warren, the candidate who in about three short minutes of screen time took Bloomberg apart and made him stammer and blubber all the way into conceding the point the next day.

Holy shit. Holy shit.

He was also in a Person of Interest episode as...erm, the person of interest. He was the janitor whose prior life as a stockbroker was upended by Root’s homicidal past-times.

He. Had. A. Heart. Attack.

I’d care more how the Democratic party treated Bernie if he were, you know, a Democrat.

See, I didn’t mind that much at all, because while sometimes it was the same information it was to different characters, with different emphases, often for different reasons, and consequently engendered different reactions that organically revealed insights about their characters and relationship with Picard, who is