No One Knows What The Dead Think

Texas democrats did precisely the same thing about a decade prior. Denying quorum is a bog-standard legislative tactic by the minority to obstruct business. They even fled across state lines to New Mexico to avoid the Texas governor’s orders to arrest them and bring them back to the chamber.

An antidote to the quid pro quo fascination I’ve found fairly effective is pointing out to people who overuse it that its meaning is extremely mundane. People are literally going around shouting “This for that! This for that!”, and if you point that out directly I’ve found folks are moderately chastened.

“Our number one concern is a lie.

A separate Internet, a separate peace.

The spikes are not for sitting, no matter what your kinky partner says.

Well, if there was ever a time for the kitchen sink, it is the grand finale of a gigantic, sprawling space opera.

Something, something, something dark side.

If Moore maintained an audience of one for his work—himself—then he could opine to his heart’s content about how the experience should be.

As a fan of the comic and not screwing over creators in general...

Nah, they are just being parochial and childish.

And just think, today he is the very best of them. A cranky cruel misanthrope is literally the best foot forward left for the GOP. What a dumpster fire of a political party.

He puts his body in the way and you contribute by scorning his language choices?

[reads other articles about cops in this town gleefully and repeatedly shooting dogs in addition to their racism]

No, but to be fair it was befouled immediately beforehand by a wad of just discarded chewing gum.

Well, good news. You still haven’t, so I guess you’re safe.

There is nothing whinier than a fan when the object of their obsession comes under criticism.

That you didn’t appreciate a thing does not indicate it had no value.

The idea that any of these rapacious nihilists could be termed an “institutionalist” makes me violently nauseous.

It’s also an argument that ended with a broken Rand Paul, which I have to imagine is why we might want him to repeat the performance.

Before or after the assassination? Because after is a bit wheezier.