She plays D&D with her grandkids.
She plays D&D with her grandkids.
Whereas Christopher Hitchens went through with volunteering for waterboarding to test his assumptions that it wasn’t torture, and as a result did a 180 on the issue as a result. (“Yep, definitely torture.”) My personal favorite public comment by a politician about waterboarding was from Jesse Ventura, of all people,…
Being trigger-happy on the 911 to the cops because of black people proximity is not, by any sane stretch of any imagination, “doing bad stuff unwittingly”.
I guess one thing you might want to ask yourself is, has anything like this ever happened to you? Would you, from your own life experience with Starbucks, expect that if you were in the shop for about five minutes that a barista or manager would hound you to buy or leave?
The Just World Fallacy is ubiquitous, insidious, and utterly toxic.
That is one of the four major original reasons, and probably the second biggest one. It goes roughly like this:
Plenty of people in the “firearm community” aren’t so incredibly mouth-breathingly stupid to armchair lecture a teacher on how to address a live shooter. Being a Valiant Keyboard Warrior: That’s what makes you special, a genuine asshole.
And that’s a funny sentence whether you know that’s a movie or not.
“Even the light feels wrong.” Something Burnham said last ep. which lends credence to the idea that the issue is with some minute difference between the universes in how light works.
Its legality depends on the state. For example, it is legal to record someone without their knowledge where I am, in Rhode Island, and it would (upon verification) be available as legal evidence.
Supposing for a second that it is true, why is she obliged to put herself through that?
Having just rewatched ENT, I’d say this is a perfect way to sum up what was wrong with the show. The whole first season’s primary conceit, which could have been brilliant, that humans were an unimportant species from a planetary system absolutely nobody has heard of, ended up being a silly way for the show to…
Part of it was, obviously, rank and gross and very overt ***-phobia.
You can get that out of the movie, sure, if you’re looking for it, but nothing forces you to read it this way.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World was in 2010.
They believe it’s a crime, and their beliefs, they believe, make reality. They are idiots, but they are proud idiots.
It is one of the saddest things, when a person who has lost thinks fervently that they have won.
That is 100% false. Being an undocumented immigrant violates no criminal law whatsoever. It is, in technical terms, a regulatory infraction. Much like a parking ticket.
It’s funny, that B5 episode is one that stuck in my head for a long time after I watched the series. I don’t remember if it was bad in some production sense (were the performances bad? I can’t remember), but I do remember it being one of the ways that B5 was aggressively distinguishing itself from Star Trek. For that,…