
@thenonhacker: Same here. I used to categorize my apps under these categories: Audio, Video, Internet, Tools, Games, (and kept he MS Accessories and Startup). With Win Vista/7 I still categorize them manually like this, but I really just use the search function and the pinned application on my toolbar, and leave my

@junkmailonlyhere: Wow was i lazy on that one. I looked at the screenshots and saw OSX and assumed it wasn't cross platform :) Thanks for the answer.

Anything for Ubuntu?

I used a utensil tray as a drawer organizer for pens and gizmos

Seems like a lot of the people still using IE are business users and baby boomers whose kids didn't force them move over to Firefox or Chrome.

Funny. I just started working on setting up a wiki for my team at work :)

I use my Communicator status.

This was decorated by a guy? Studying design or something?

@Alfonzo: Glad you liked it :)

@skim32: You are used to associating that icon to mean show desktop, but there isn't anything about that icon that screams "show desktop". You're simply used to it. The new button is only something you need to associate in your mind to mean "show desktop". ;) Feel free to use it or not.

@Martin: Sadly.... it doesn't work for my setup. I run two screen and do not extend the toolbar on both screen. So I cannot drag my cursor to the bottom right. I'm sincere when I say sadly because it is indeed a great feature. Thankfully, there's always Win Key+D.

@Alfonzo: I'm pretty sure I saw a single card with 6 connectors, albeit a double slot card.

@tadhgk: Some Eyefinity (ATI) cards will support up to 6 monitors

@jaden @Ruptured: I think what Ashwin meant was that it presupposes that you wake up in the same ball park. If you wake up at 6 and leave at 7, and she wakes up at 8. Then you just won't "hit the web" for 2h to have a 4 minute talk.

@31337h4ck3r: I save my pages in MHT with a Firefox plugin (UnMHT).

@Ultraorange: Oh man... the Netflix evangelisation begins. FYI: I'm an infidel. ;)

Probably true. But I do need that TV. I do agree that when I buy something somewhat impulsively the pleasure doesn't last more than a few days. When you spend a lot, just make sure you been wanted it for longer than a few weeks. I totally agree that it's more pleasurable to go on a trip or invest on some experience