Basically it's "aim low, then scale up". I go with that as well, sometimes.
@scoobertron: Yea, RAID is a parity/redundancy system (if at all).
My life.
My food is wrapped in the plastic from the market, plus I keep them in a plastic bag from the market. Never had drip problems.
@HeffeD: May be a problem with the air intake.
Unless you have a gas stove, don't bother getting a wok.
Vote: Ventrilo
That seems like a really good, in-depth article. I'll put it on my list.
I'm rarely way from a USB port, but otherwise I have a USB charger that plugs in a wall socket. I've only ever used it on vacation.
@mrh829: The only time I ever max out the CPU if I encode mp3s (8 tracks simultaneously). Anything else only uses one thread and I will rarely do multiple CPU intensive tasks all at once (like video encoding or zip/unzipping). I wonder if the hard drives or something else might not be the bottle neck for some of these…
With an i7, is there a point to this?
Does the salt have to kosher?
Articles like this make me lose faith in Lifehacker sometimes... or the human race.
If I have to cut more than one or two onions, I wear ski goggles. Tear-free.
@nutbastard: Yea. It does the same to my iPod. Wants to repair it almost every time.
@thinkerer: is in the business of repacking old ideas. They're not bad ideas.
@NidoDev: Was it Lifehacker or Gizmodo that reviewed the Fleshlight products?
You go to Urban Dictionary to find the definitions of expressions like 'rusty trombone', 'snorkeling', or 'strawberry shortcake'. Open Dictionary has none of that. There is just no point making such a comparison. You would have been better comparing it to Wiktionary.