
???? Because this surgery was to fix a very real medical problem that the medical establishment still classifies as “cosmetic” therefore not insured whereas the only medical issue Viagra (which is typically covered by insurance) fixes is the inability to get erections on demand which could be argued as unnecessary

This is a great article. But I wish you had shared your “good scientific evidence” that epidurals increase the risk for c-section. The current state of scientific knowledge says that there is no increased risk (there are other risks to an epidural, but increased risk of caesarean is not one of them). Perpetuating this

Donda yourself? The death of someone’s mother isn’t a punchline. How ghoulish. You don’t have to be heartless to be funny — a lesson a lot of Jez writers really need to learn.

Amen to that. The only thing I snarked in my head over was