I’ll consider that button well-pushed. Ironic that you keep using the term “pissbaby” to lob at others when that’s your guy’s favorite menu item in Russian brothels.
I’ll consider that button well-pushed. Ironic that you keep using the term “pissbaby” to lob at others when that’s your guy’s favorite menu item in Russian brothels.
I love Minority Report right up to the moment that it becomes a note for note rip off of LA Confidential.
Yup. And definitely fuck yourself.
I got that beat. I considered dating her in the late 80s.
Indeed. MC Solaar is an international treasure with 7 or 8 discs of pure gold under his own name if you can find them (the best IMO is the 4th, which is self-titled and features an eclipse on the cover).
Solar the producer is just a tool who ruined a beautiful thing.
No, I get that. And Gish is FAR superior to anything they ever did. I just mean to say that Siamese Dream still felt fresh (if a bit of a sophomore slump) at the time, and after it I never cared about what they did beyond a few singles. I can not listen to MCATIS or Adore all the way through, and after those I can’t…
That’s fair. Do you not like anything on SD? I haven’t listened to it in ages, but whenever I hear “Today” or “Disarm” I get happy. Also always liked “Mayonnaise.”
I love Gish and Siamese Dream. But fuck basically everything after Siamese Dream. Melon Collie (it hurts me to write that) is 1/3 of a great record with a shit ton of bloat.
BvS was a steaming pile of horseshit. Snyder is a bad director of ugly, dull movies.
Yes, but is Donnie out of his element?
“My name is Louis Fyne, and I’m looking for matrimony with a capital ‘M’...I’m pleased with the way God made me. I’m 6'3" and maintain a very consistent panda-bear shape.I’m willing to share...”
Keep that one.
Really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for reminding me about an excellent film I had forgotten.
Oh, so we’re using facts, now? Ok, if that’s what you’re into, I guess.
Yes. Yes I am. And maybe she’s no picnic either.
Maybe they can’t stand each other? Elvis Costello never tours with Bruce Thomas anymore, either. They’re oil and water.
Fuck yeah, De La Soul in general and “The Magic Number” in particular!
Ironically, the original lyric was:
“Actors gonna act, act, act, act, act
In accordance with their essential nature. It’s a fact!”
I don’t really strongly disagree with anything you said. I agree it could have been cut and the Kali character introduced a different way. But I like that they tried something outside of Hawkins. I like that they had Eleven interact with a completely different group of people. I love Kali, and I hope they bring her…