
It’s not about being too cool for school. It’s about noticing the objectively weak elements of this boring blockbuster film.

I’m with you. The first is the best of them, but that’s not to say it’s actually good. It’s technically amazing, but there are so many problems. Everything else has been a down-hill plummet.

Yeah, but Robert has a superior laugh. Plus, you’d get to hear Uma Thurman say “NERDS!”

Except for matters that are only related to taste and being correct, you are right. Which is to say that you aren’t correct.

I would watch that.

Or that neither of them is Keyser Soze, and that they use the name as a badge.

He should just cast Robert Carradine in his place. It would give the trilogy a whole new feel.

Iron Fist > Daredevil Season 2.

I still think you’re wrong. And that’s absolutely not what I said. That’s what you said. So, seriously, fuck off.

I don’t appreciate the words you’re putting in my figurative mouth. We disagree. I think that’s enough.

You’re characterizing what I wrote incorrectly. I didn’t say “black lady” was a type. I said “badass black woman,” and while I can see that that was not an adequate expression of my intention, the character of Mick was clearly intended to evoke Angela Davis more than Grace Jones. What she is wearing is not

He had to use two hands on the bottle. Those fingers must really be tiny.

TV is a visual medium. Ideas are communicated with pictures. Each character in that group is an archetype, visually, of different groups of people. It was like the Breakfast Club as assassins. Minus the doobage, but plus psionic powers.

Fair point in 2017. In 1984, only one of those people would have been called “punk.”

It tastes as shitty as Ramen usually tastes.

I’m a teacher. The Keurig was a gift. The poverty is just the character-building gift that keeps on giving.

You can place a cup of noodles under a Keurig without a Kcup in it and get exactly the right amount of hot water for your Ramen.

Or so I’ve been told.

You’re kind of an ass.

You’re right. I meant region.

I dig it. And at least they didn’t add question marks to the suspenders.