Possibly the only nice thing you can say Snyder is that he clearly isn’t bothered by black quarterbacks (Campbell as well)
Possibly the only nice thing you can say Snyder is that he clearly isn’t bothered by black quarterbacks (Campbell as well)
Haskins, RG3, McNabb...wonder what the connection is?
As someone who used to do shovelware titles for Nintendo DS (which are def much less expensive than a 3DS AAA title): more than you think.
Japanese companies tend to take care of their employees and almost never do layoffs. (Source: I work for one, and actually was the reason why I accepted their offer, because of the culture).
I’m old enough to remember when this sort of filth happened to the Astros
Nice sentiment by them, I can’t help but laugh though at how little striking this “Climate Strike” actually involved.
He’ll go to a Fed prison camp somewhere in the midwest full of old white people and immigrant. He’ll shave his head and remember how to talk white and just disappear into obscurity.
I think his mom basically said fuck it and gave up.
Charlemagne tried to tell him when he had him on the show, but he wasn’t trying to hear it. Pride goes before the fall, I guess.
To be fair, he doesn’t seem like the most stable of geniuses.
In other news: The justice system is working as intended
Basically. Like anyone gives a fuck about famous people in gangs (unless they too are fucking children).
Zesteria was bad Dawn of the New World and Tales of Xillia 2 bad. Berseria is Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the Abysss GREAT so I’d say play one skip the other. Your choice which.
It released in January. It’s actually 50% off right now on the PSN Store.
Berseria is great!! Zesteria is ok, but you’re right, it’s pretty grindy. Berseria is way way better, imo. You could probably drop Zesteria and jump into Berseria. It’s got a better story, better characters, better gameplay.
Zestiria was... OK. Honestly, I found it to get pretty dull around the halfway point but Berseria is probably one of the best games in the entire series.