
I like Pearl! She’s goofy. I mean, Marina’s got my heart, but Pearl is awesome too. <3

Said someone with a My Little Pony avatar.

What if Marina and Pearl are the heralds of a cultural revolution where squidkids and octolings live side by side in harmony?

It’d be foolish of Nintendo to not make their VC stuff compatible with the system. Just straight up foolish.

“Cassius Marsh is known for tackling ball carriers as a professional linebacker, but the Seattle Seahawk’s 6’4”, 245-pound frame recently proved entirely useless in the mental athletics of Magic: the Gathering.”

A successful Sony is also an arrogant Sony. And an arrogant Sony leads to colossal future fuck ups.

Never played that game but let me guess for you: A little girl asks for an item you must provide in a time limit to increase progress in something. Therefore the player runs around like a madman and police thinks they should be locked up. And I’d believe the police part is not on the game.

And you didn’t even mention the final “chapter” as it were. Which I won’t really go into because spoilers, but that last big switcheroo the game pulls on you really threw me for a loop. I think that’s when I realized how masterfully this game was inverting genre tropes at the time.

Quiet you fool, This was merely a temporary setback! THE PLAN STILL WORKS!

When Internet access becomes cheaper, more available, & overall faster for everyone, it makes sense to have games out there with lengthy, sustained support.

Be sure to come back once you’ve played the game and realize how dumb this comment was!

You just have a make another user account and set the region as Japan. Then that accont will go to the JP eShop and once you download the game your Switch doesn’t care which account you play it on.

Your NA Switch will recognize it if you add a JP Nintendo account to it, which takes like a minute to do. :)

Hopefully, the next one after XX will be built for the Switch from the ground up.

It never hurts to show World Heroes some fresh love every now and then.

Now playing

To me one of the better Street Fighter 2 clones is Power Instinct (made by Atlus). It got some weird characters, but some have awesome special moves.

Loved the World Heroes series, I still have the first 3 ones for the NeoGeo. The second one was a huge improvement though with double the number of characters and was the one which got me interested in the series, with Captain Kid, which threw flying sharks, and Mudman the shaman.