
I am not gay but I think the game is poorer only because Claude is not a gay option.

If the budgets were still DS or earlier, Advance Wars would still be around. It isn’t so much a either or thing, but the growing costs of development make it hard to put out a game you are more likely to see underperform. Same thing did in Golden Sun and Starfy.

There are similar archetypes, Ashe looks like Luck with silver hair and a lack of death match seeking, Casper is about as annoying as Asta without the shrill yell and Felix is Yuno but a jackass full time.

Sure this wasn't intentional.

I can get why they pulled it but overall not a lot is that different from what you can normally pull on certain YouTube channels. 

That is a leap of logic, maybe we should consult some alternative facts before making some conclusions sir.

I am aware of the show and you are right dinosaurs are usually a positive. But cheap farting dinos whose only characterization is being a jerk don’t get a free pass. At least not this particular one.

Gon is a trash character and I am glad Bandai Namco doesn’t have the full rights so we never have to see that farting jerkwad in another Tekken game.

How do we know Tim Rogers wasn’t hacked?

Aside from the first one, maybe Doom 2 and Doom 64, is there another Doom game really worth the effort?

It is a shame that innocent young people and their families are suffering because they tried to better themselves and idiots like those in Boko Haram and other cowards target them. It is also a shame instead of helping to protect those innocent, assholes in better situations make it worst both within the local and

While she didn’t start out as such, over time she became my favorite character on Living Single.

He is the most adorable little dream dwelling monster this or any world has ever known. If you gaze into the abyss long enough, you realize you are just looking at Kirby’s eye twinkle.

Yeah but Shaft was its own niche, Black Panther, aside from the name and the fact that it features a primarily black cast is probably going to be one of the higher grossing movies of the year and is seemingly on the path to being the most critically beloved Marvel Cinematic Universe entry yet.

Not the first Avengers movie.

Life in Aggro was funny, completely wrong because those pigs ain’t bleep. But still quite funny.

Don’t you dare lump Tien with Yamacha and Chiaotzu, Tien at least held off Buu for a minute and showed someone besides the Sayains and Piccolo was still training themselves.

These are niche products that will sell to a hardcore basis that would love to have figurines of their favorite characters. The issue of course is that more then a few of them probably won’t know about it and those that do may have gotten better figures else where. But best of luck.

Chiasotzu hasn’t done nothing since the original Dragonball series but add to the rumor fire about Tien being gay. He doesn’t deserve a roster stop.

Juliet is hands down the best female character on the show, besides the old woman that was cured of cancer she is the only female character that remotely had her isht together for more then two or three episodes in most of her appearances.