
There's a neat website called Backloggery that allows you to do just this kind of tracking, letting you add all of your games from various platforms and tag them with the status of their completion. You can mark things as "Now Playing" as well and update on your progress.

You're going to have to show more effort than that. Here. Here's the joke.

Porn joke. Porn joke. Porn joke. Porn joke. There it's done. Let's move on now.

My daycare had a dental hygienist come in with model teeth to show us how to create a good dental routine. The rest is up to parents though. In high school, sex ed kinda covered it. But again, not all States have sex ed. And SF's was pretty comprehensive. Even in college, one of my electives was Sex & Relationships,

Yes! I go to youtube for everything now- changing the tail light on my car, the air filter, making mayo, make up, pretty much anything you want to do, you can find someone who filmed it for you! Best school ever!

I feel your pain, because my dad was the curly-haired parent and my mother had no idea what to do with mine. The secret word for blow-drying is diffuser.

Lol you're so right.

Yep more people should know about the benefits of youtube as a learning device. It's better than an encyclopedia. So far over the years, I've learned how to: tie a tie, fix various electronics, how to kiss better, how to drive a manual, about trucks, how to buy a used car, and so much more.

This whole "have to move out of the house when you're 18" thing is a very american thing. In lots of other places around the world living with your parents up until you get married (and sometimes even afterwards) is not that uncommon.

I just realized, this entire article boils down to 'give Lifehacker ideas for future articles'.

First step is either making lots of cash on your own, or getting a room mate or a romantic partner whose contributions (combined with your income) will allow you to live on your own. Everything else is just moving boxes and signing forms.

We could also let students choose their own course load from an earlier age, like beginning in high school. From what I have read and from statistical rankings, this is how it works in the UK, and it works quite well. We could require that fewer classes be "core" classes and revise curriculums for the realities of the

I wish I had learned the art of effectively communicating with people as well as how to deal with employers/employees/colleagues with whom are difficult to work.

Basic math is useful and I said so myself in my original post. It's funny how there has been a lot of emphasis on "you need math to do xyz" in the responses to my post; none of the math involved in solving any of the given examples has anything to do with solving two factor equations, finding the slope of a graph, or

Honestly, pretty much everything. I don't know why America (and possibly others, I haven't been to school in any other country) thinks that the best way to prepare children for adulthood is to teach them a bunch of crap they aren't interested in and will have no impact on their future. As an IT tech, here are some of