
Convincing evidence is finally coming forward from peer reviewed studies which show that the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to children is creating synergistic toxicity and a state of immune overload in the majority of vaccine recipients manifesting in related health issues including epidemics of

“Lacking definitive data on the comparative toxicities of ethyl- versus methylmercury, FDA considered ethyl- and methyl-mercury as equivalent in its risk evaluation. There are some data and studies bearing directly on thimerosal toxicity and these are summarized in this Section.” FDA website on Vaccine Safety &

“Lacking definitive data on the comparative toxicities of ethyl- versus methylmercury, FDA considered ethyl- and methyl-mercury as equivalent in its risk evaluation. There are some data and studies bearing directly on thimerosal toxicity and these are summarized in this Section.” FDA website on Vaccine Safety &

Did I say I wouldn’t get my kids vaccinated? Uh no. I said I wouldn’t give them 6 shots at a time like they want you to do. You are so busy worrying about grammar you can’t comprehend. Thimerosal contains mercury. End of story. You participate in raising a child on the spectrum. Which means you don’t really do

“Thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose.” This is on the FDA website. I would never let my kids get 6 vaccination shots at one time. One at a time and be behind. They used to say cigarettes don’t cause cancer.

If you don’t vote for Hillary you will be called a misogynist.

I agree it does involve working with people. However, because someone doesn’t agree with you the first thing they toss out is misogynists and racists and not supporting females. It makes women look bad.

Or racist, but not them who call others misognyist and racist. The worst kind of women!

You can’t be voting only because the person running is a female can you? You should be voting for the person you think will be the best President. That is what people are doing and in a democracy they are entitled to do this.

When it happened with Code Pink at the RNC, people on jezebel wanted charges pressed. When it happens at the DNC, you want them to shut up. Let them be heard!

I agree with you! And even sadder over 450 likes!

“Hillary heard the passion of the people, the people behind Bernie, and brought those passions into the party’s platform” BY HIRING DEBBIE WASSERMAN TO WORK FOR HER!!!!

It is no different than Hillary hiring her long time friend Debbie Wasserman.

Yes, it’s true Hillary hired her. Neither one of the two ladies have apologized for what was done to the Sanders campaign. Also I type a comment and someone else’s comment comes up. I am not making this up. “I didn’t type the comment about I genuinely can’t believe that the Bernie....”

It’s true. She hired her. She did the dirty work for Hillary, at least she has a job. Think of the stuff that Huma has had to do.

LOL, I LOVE photoshop!

This makes Gawker posters look desperate. Especially photo on the right.

Anna, I like your writing, however, this is so stupid.

I can’t believe anyone watches that shitty MSNBC.

All of his kids were raised mostly by their Mom. That is why Melania said she wasn’t on the campaign trail all the time. What do you think single Moms are doing. There is no shame in that!