He ruined a lot of lives to. I would support the defenseless little boys. When there is a choice, choose to do the right thing.
He ruined a lot of lives to. I would support the defenseless little boys. When there is a choice, choose to do the right thing.
No, every other college football coach wasn’t turning a blind eye to little boys being raped. They were turning a blind eye to black guys raping white girls to win.
Jillian, Will you take me out of the gray now please?
Jillian, Will you take me out of the gray now please?
7,000 people at the WNBA. Have they ever needed to bring out security? Uh, no.
Statistics show whites get shot more by the police than blacks. You are talking a lot about stuff you obviously know nothing about. You can quit your job at any time without notice for any reason, so can they. And we need police more than the WNBA.
If the cops where wearing White Lives Matter and the team walked off without playing, I doubt you would have a problem with the team holding up their obligation.
I would follow that auto mechanic to his new gig.
Maybe you should do several ride-alongs with the police so you actually get what they do rather than talking out of your ass.
Why do they even need security at the WNBA any way?
I don’t think they can wear their uniform when they are freelancing.
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$90 Clarksusa.com Free shipping Leather, rounder toe I love Clarks. I also put a gel pad in the bottom for extra…
Adorable! Thanks for sharing a cute story!