
I had an interesting conversation with a friend. I talked about how I was very interested in the Holocaust when I was a child and imagined I would work at a memorial one day. Turned out that when I was younger I was able to stomach that information much better and now I actively avoid anything Holocaust related

That completely enrages me. Thinkg are so easy in the US. I know, of course, there are other hard parts but regarding CVs, getting entry level jobs even when they are not in your field...

I'm so confused. I'm German. And Lutheran. How is Luther Catholic Lite??

Qick question. I'm German and we are required to put all personal information on our resume. I'm thinking of taking a big risk and taking my birth date off of it, but it's on all my degrees. How do you get around that? I'm so envious of Americans. Just the stupid money you save from not having to put a photo alone.

Get back into your job.

Let's say it together: AthEIst.

I don't understand how this works. If I did this I'd have the police on my ass in no time.

whaaaaa? I'm sorry but I'm a NON-NATIVE speaker in a non-English speaking country and I knew what they were in about seventh grade.

Do it NOW if you want it. (if you believe it will be necessary for you, some people never have Problems)

sorry, I wrote you half a comment I meant t delete because I have no time. Kinja decides to post it anyway

you just laid something bare that nobody wants to talk about. nobody wants to Support that

I hang around with a lot of upper middle class/lower upper class rich white kids with good futures who think they are 'leftist activists'.

what do you work in? I need advice.

hey, there is a dismiss function on here. That person can get right into the nothingness where it came from.

Way to raise your daughter, isn't it! Especially because he treated me somewhat similar to them....

I made a sexist/racist7whatever-ist comment. Oh you are just so uptight/a prude/have no sense of humor because I was joking!

I asked my father the same thing after visiting a museum which was full of female nudes painted and sculptured by men. I asked: where are the male nudes painted by women? His answer: there were no female artists back then.

That is genius. I wish we would use these quotes aside from quoting it to each other in little books we pass around. I wish we would read this in fucking Cosmopolitan. I wish I'd see it on a wall and on a banner and be read in school.

I'm checking the facts. There might have been people trying to name their children that in the 70s and 80s but it would have never passed naming laws. My friend wasn't allowed the name Tina in the mid 80s because it was an abbreviation so there sure as hell is no Atomfried running around. You made a lame joke that

You made a joke that would have been remotely funny for a German audience. It made no sense whatsoever for people here.