Grey's Anonymity

A GT350R is probably a lot cheaper than litigation, even if they guy lost. It turns a bad time for everybody into a crazy photo, a wild story, and a happy ending for basically everyone (guy gets a nicer car, Ford stands by their customer/product, etc.)

This is some #COTD right here. Needs more upvote.

It was preferable when the Pokemon masters fought valiantly in front of a cathode ray tube whilst atrophying into an olive velour couch covered in Cheeto dust hardened to their fingers and the corners of their mouths by malodorous sweat, the folds of their bellies multipling as quickly as their telemeres divided. This

And to wit, it’s also possible to do shit outside whilst also actually paying attention to the outside part of the outside. Ride a bike, take a fuckin’ hike. I recognize this is Kotaku and screen-centric mindsets therefore abound, but the whole appeal of this thing is lost on me.

There are refuges, my friend. I really haven’t seen anyone doing this in Northern New Mexico and I suspect it’s due to the spotty cell coverage outside of the cities. There’s often little/no cell service in the mountain towns. And therefore, no Pokemon zombies.

No. the trigger-happy pencil dick you’re defending, by his own admission, cited the car as being stationary in the street, and the street as the site of the confrontation. Shitposting is one thing, but you should at least try to stay within the framework of the statement of your wetdream fantasy (an overweight

There was no driveway involved in either my thought experiment or this case.

Public street /= tresspassing. If it was, someone could just wait for you to leave your house and shoot you in the face to make you stop shitposting.

I wouldn’t even be worried if I hit the guy. I’d just phone my lawyer, then hand my dashcam over to the rozzers.

You shouldn’t be walking out to confront people at 1:30 in the morning, gun or no gun. Evaluate from a distance, and contact law enforcement (which you are not) if needed. Do not do detective work, because you do not have a badge, traing, or any legitimacy in doing so.

Do you remember when Trayvon Martin was murdered? He was walking with some candy. That’s all it fucking takes in Florida, which is of course the asshole of America.

What fucking ever; that’s still no excuse to go Rambo. People keep seeming to think they’re the police, the judge, the jury, and the executioner when they’re none of the above.

If someone is threatening your life on public property, you’d be very likely justified in incidentally (not intentionally) running that person over to flee. Just because they decide to stand in front of you and block your escape doesn’t mean they have the right to so.

If some non-cop comes up in front of my car and points a gun at me, I am absolutely going to clutch drop and smash the maniac. The big lumps of torque being connected to the road by sticky summer tires means Mr. Stand your ground fucktard is a road pizza before he even knows what happened. It’s bad form for starting a

I’m not anti-gun but the stand your ground bullshit in Florida is complete insane and enabled the legalized murder of Trayvon Martin and crazy shit like this. It gives would-be Rambo lunatics the notion that it is legal to play judge, jury, and executioner because they fuck up by confronting someone and escalating the

You’re in Arizona, right? I think your state and mine (New Mexico) are about as lax as they come. I could fill a blog with all of the insanely decrepit cars I see on a daily basis with valid registration and sometimes with new plates (meaning a new owner of the death trap).

I basically am totally technology illiterate, so I’ll trust the expert (you).

Agreed. They should fix the mounts or framerate, and then tell him to go do it again.

Frankly, I'd rather the people designing my car be doing uppers than downers. Day drinking is fun and so are 20mg diazepam, but I think the team snorting coke is getting it done better.

It depends on the state - some have more stringent rules than others. Older vehicles generally get a pass regardless, because of “antique” registrations that they qualify for. This means they’re not really subject to any kind of inspection, even in strict states.