It’s birdtastic...
It’s birdtastic...
I would contend that using the term namaste is more insulting to people of a certian belief system rather than a race or ethnicity of people but you are correct that you said nothing about freedom of speech.
Everything is offensive to someone. People are so fragile lately they are offended by everything. Sometimes you will come across things you do not like in this world, instead of always telling people they don’t have the right to free speech maybe learn to deal with it. This is coming from a person who was recently…
Smart writer, 15 million? Might as well!
You are wrong, stop looking at life that way.
I read this because of the title which is all kinds of awesome.
I don’t know I think sometimes the language is so specific to one group other groups might not realize that they are invited to the party. Yes, there will be people in other groups who will shy away, but not every black person participates in protests and such things either. I think using language that is more…
People are only talking about this because it’s women and reproduction. Seems like everyone has to get a freaking word in when it comes to women and their reproduction. Even me, because I am doing exactly that. Still, here is my two cents; the best solution always is, you make your decision for yourself, and let other…
Right, but a Chicago hotdog is in fact very other from what Burger King is offering. I’ve had a Chicago hotdog, if I am ordering that no way do I want a Burger King hot dog, or a NYC dog either. In NYC I can get exactly the same stuff that Burger King is putting on theirs; (but I would never do that because I am not…
Also, in NY we have Nathan’s. I just don’t see Burger King being able to compete in our hot dog market.
Ahhh you got me!!!
I am stealing you have to give death a chance and i’m not going to apologize for doing so.
I was going to star you, but you have 69 stars and that seems fitting so in my heart I starred you.
This would make an awesome metal song.
Yeah because the democrats would never bring it up.
I think rumors might have become true around 3:01 this morning. Very sad and she was only 55.
Um what? Read what I wrote. I’ll say it again in a different way.
Democrats are so nice to first ladies in fact that I didn’t even know Laura Bush killed someone until Family guy made fun of it.
I am a natural born woman and will admit to using a men’s restroom a few times in my life because of neccessity. Are we now saying that we will live in a world where in the future I could be ticketed or arrested for doing so? I’ve always looked at the genders on the bathroom doors as what one should do, not of what…