
The transition works extremely well for P3P. It’s honestly the best version of the game IMO, and that’s not just because they made the males dateable (ATLUS DO MORE OF THIS PLS). Original P3 was not particularly known for its enthralling overworld environments, and cutting them down basically just streamlines the game.

P3P’s female protag was the best option for this, because on your second run you’re not just making diff friends, you’ve got all-new dating options.

If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?

The photos are excellent and glad to see the cosplayer credited as well. Just a request: Can you add the name of the character being cosplayed to the caption?

And then they’ll beat P3 and have to lay down for 2 days to digest it.

Cool. I get a bit of a Woodruff and the Schnibble vibe from it.

I like to think the Gerudo are just trans lady positive. They do seem aware about Link not being a cis woman in town but still accept Link when wearing female clothes. They just take Link wearing other clothes to be a cis guy.

No hate for Organized Play people like Adventurer’s league, Pathfinder Society etc but in my experience they play a very hardcore combat focused/optimized build style that would probably turn off completely new players so I would highly suggest either create your own group for a game like described here or finding

This “clarification” that JonTron has offered makes part of his problem incredibly clear.

It is perfectly possible for a person of a racial or ethnic background other than “Anglo-European” to hold particular prejudice—or even racist beliefs—toward white folk. Similarly, it is possible for a woman to hold sexist beliefs

If you are interested (and maybe Kotaku should cover it up, Germany’s Goethe Institute is doing gamejams (9) around the globe about “Game Arts and Politics”.

My friend played in a Larp like that he found out later his character was the only actual Tornado.

Ya Lapras is useful for clearing those gyms especially Dragonite and Rhydon.

Rhydons like exploded 2 months ago around me. I saw like 3 in the first several months of the game and now they’re ubiquitous

its cp wasn’t changed by the formula update. Getting nerfed now, is just getting what should have happened to it months ago. It’s now the same calculation as the other pokemon. The better question is; why didn’t they do it back then?

Well, since the header image is from Elite Dangerous, I’ll tell the story of when I was stranded in that game.

Sigh, ok Kotaku. I’ll give you my story.

Apparently Ethan Winters never played Silent Hill 2, or he would have known that nothing good comes from mysterious messages from wives who died/went missing.

Perils of Rosella was my jam. I also, somehow, beat The Colonel’s 11 years old.

Now playing

Track: (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano | Artist: Sampha | Album: Process

So, this has a lot of similarities with being a feminist and reading comics. I love comics, but women are usually portrayed as fan service for male readers. Doesn’t matter how powerful, serious or old the characters are, it’s a very samey-samey bathing suit costume for you! Male characters have a wide range of body