No Clu For You

Gawker Media has not existed for half a decade. It has been sold and resold and is owned by a holding company that solely wants to employ a small group of moderately competent hacks to churn out clickbait content in order to generate enough ad revenue to make the property stable enough to sell at either break even or

Kotaku has now called out IGN and all streamers on Twitch on not supporting Palestine.

All I’m hearing is that these people hate fun.

Can you groom parents? Isn't it just manipulation at that point? They should know better... Anyway all of this is bad

“sexual misconduct” is the word bloggers and women use when they know nothing major or illegal has been done to them, but they feel bad about it, so it must be “wrong.”

Or maybe it’s because the youngest kid hit 18.

So would you say this has caused the franchise owners to go into full...meltdown?

Nope. I’m on Apple because there’s *one* store, and it does a reasonable job simplifying things and screening bad apps and malware.  The last thing in the world I care about is for there to be multiple stores on my phone.  If I wanted that, I’d use an Android phone.

You know, it's a relative statement, and it's Billie Eilish, so it could be quite literal. 

I was hoping for something other than Fighting For The Fate Of The World™.

“Oh yeah?! Well I’m something of an underworld boss myself!”

OP never said it was new, but did very much say it was wrong. And you agreed. Why are you bringing up a totally different point?

Look.. I come from a military family, I understand the importance of acknowledging the deeds of veterans and remembering them... but it shouldn’t be done in the form of ENTERTAINMENT .. which is what a video game is.

Look.. I come from a military family, I understand the importance of acknowledging the deeds of veterans and remembering them... but it shouldn’t be done in the form of ENTERTAINMENT .. which is what a video game is. It’s compounded by the fact that the soldiers who fought, died or were wounded there were “following

Has Kotaku become an official Apple Arcade PR arm?

...I’m very much kidding, but man, it’d be handy to have APPLE ARCADE appended to all headlines so I know not to bother clicking on them.

The areligious population is growing. Would be nice if we could actually build a political voting bloc that could go up against Pence/Noem. But, White atheist dude bros like Bill Maher/Joe Rogan/Dawkins ruined atheism with the misogyny, racism, islamophobia, transphobia and the general assholery.

“I’m not racist… I don’t care what color or what religion anyone is,” she continued. “Are you a nice person? That’s what I judge you on.”

Most of these were already on Gamepass.

Fuck paparazzi, for sure. But also fuck the tabloids that keep the profession alive.

lol. I wouldn’t use “incel” because there’s plenty of incels that aren’t as damaging to the world as Morgan, and deserve pity, unlike Morgan. Morgan always reminds me more of the types like pickup artists, MGTOWers, men’s rights activists, redpillers, etc. Morgan clearly sees his power as a justification of why he has