I let my daughter name it and she spelled it wrong and I have axiety every time it pops up.
I let my daughter name it and she spelled it wrong and I have axiety every time it pops up.
I understand that this is your opinion but sometimes opinions are wrong. To say they aren’t funny and have zero talent is so hyperbolic it in itself is funny.
If anyone is getting their Pathogen and epidemic information from Plague Inc, Let’s hire them in the USA, since we are very clear that we are not taking this seriously.
Please Please Please, Keep suggesting Anime movies with well developed character and stories. I feel like when people think of Anime all they think of is Fan service and silliness. So many great stories!
Please Please Please, Keep suggesting Anime movies with well developed character and stories. I feel like when…
What Woke person are you trying to impress?
I watched the first 10 minutes, and I had to turn it off, Every week i would see it pop again as a Simuldub, and was extremely curious who were the people watching every week lol, no judgement just was straight up porn lol.
We need to stop idolizing video game characters of representations of the real world. If it’s not your creation you need to get over the direction that an artist or team takes it.
OH NO! Then I am glad I have missed it so far!
That’s awesome. I really didn’t know. You just always see news articles about people requesting help from us, it would be nice if those same news outlets would do some better highlighting on how these other countries help us out!
I’m not trying to be rude this is a pure question, When we have our wildfires in CA do other countries hold donations for us? I just never see that and was curious?
I am so thankful that Cloud in a dress has not been leaked yet. that is the one surprise I want to experience in game!
If you look at my original post it was extremely heavy hearted thank god you are here to be a jerk....
I hope you are right. But I know from my own family when my cousin committed suicide by taking pills they used that same phrase to not have others hold judgement on her.
I am praying it wasn’t suicide, We are seeing so much depression and self destruction in the gaming world, So many unrealistic expectations with Twitch and monetization. I Pray that we can get to a world where happiness and playing games for fun reigns supreme again.
Eddie absolutely crushed SNL last night i haven’t laughed that hard at an episode in the last decade. The baking show may have been my favorite part but all of his sketches were fantastic! it was good to see him back at it!
This is why we couldn’t have a Hamilton movie? :’( Sad All day!
This is the piece we needed. I really enjoyed FFXIII and all the counter parts! I enjoyed the game play and was it perfection absolutely not but were they fun I totally think so!
I wont see it in theaters but i will absolutely rent it on Amazon! I think it looks like mindless fun. The film wont be any better than the preview. This is WYSIWYG at it’s purest form. to think that it’s going to go deeper is silly.