No Clu For You

Milo had suspension all the time, He is now banned on Twitter like can’t have an account at all (which he shouldn’t be able to have). Rose Posted someones email and phone number and was suspended for 10 hours.

No they don’t

This is the free market Verizon has no obligation to cover anyone in this country. It’s a shame internet isn’t considered a utility. In my area I live in a populated area and there is only one option for internet becasue the companies have brokered a deal to not sell in certain areas. Thus is the way of life until

Every time I read one of these articles it reminds me of why we (democrats) lost the election. We are too busy worrying about shit that doesn’t matter. Yes this doesn’t matter and you are blowing it out of proportion. I saw Hamilton, should white people be protesting in the streets? If minorities (yes I’m black) want

Because many footballers don’t do those thing in fact he’s one of the only ones in the game who wore sunglasses because he was ill so no it’s not common.

I hope the same people who wont be shopping at Gamestop, also wont be going to movie theaters as well.

Favorite moment is when Rick rips off gear faces nuts and sticks them on his face

Why watch it on the plane next weekend when you can watch it today, and Next Weekend?

“repugnant” come on. If that isn’t someone trying so hard to be upset I don’t know what is. The dude is literally wandering from town to town.

Are you just walking around quoting Wizard of Oz LoL?

I literally stopped saying Epic about a year ago....However This was EPIC, I cannot wait for this movie. It’s going to be Incredible!

They did this with The Office, Being Human, and Others. Not everything that is UK translate to US (slang, idioms, etc.) I think its cool that they do it.

Please right wing conservatives are not watching this heretics dream of a show!

Nothing ruins a punch line like spelling shit wrong....

I would say absolutely. I think when you have a handheld system in the market and you try to evolve off the thing that didn’t do well (wiiU) your cautious with the over saturation of the market. I think they played their hand brilliantly becasue Holiday will bring Mario and the rush will start all over again!

That right there is what console gamers don’t understand. A 1080 is $700 to get high frame rates with beautiful picture. They always talk about graphics but deep down they don’t really care.

You can’t get 4k gaming with good frame rates with out high end specs. Thats what it is. Console gamers have been playing in a simulated scenario (graphics wise) this is an excellent move to bring 4k gaming to the TV in a broad way. If it doesn’t cost $1000 then Microsoft is doing it right. $6-700 price tag i think is

I didn’t say license music, I said buy a catalog. Completely different. For example Robert Sillerman’s company owns Elvis’ music catalog. because they bough it from Elvis’s estate. They own the property now and can “license” it out to people.

I think you just answered your own question. The work he did was buying the right to other person story and wrote books about it.

I don’t feel sorry for him based on his response. Glad the game is so successful!