No Clu For You

Cream Puff.....

Back in the day they were gold! Tony Hawk 1 and 2 are still my some of my favorite games on my N64!

I, like so many other Futbol fans love PES, but I couldn't agree with you more! What is Konami doing. I always buy PES but this year I had to go with Fifa. You hit the nail on the head saying Konami either needs to Old Yeller this franchise, or take a year off and come back banging with 2013!

They must still not be directly invited the event.... do you what you gotta do to feel like your winning!

You are 100% correct it is amazing start. However what I am scared of is that cable companies are going to start adding more tiers of service that allow for different uses of the web. Thus people will either be charged by the Mb, or will be trying to view something and it just wont let them. Having a team of lawyers

I agree and disagree. I think it allows people to question. I went and looked up A bunch of Facebook Security information sites, and a lot of what anonymous says is true. Now I am not for destroying corporations but I am for people having their eyes open to what corporation are doing with their information. Just

To this day Interstellar Pig is one of my favorite books of all time it is a must read great fun and great Sci Fi! I am one day hoping for a film adaptation of this book it would make like life complete!


a 17 year old with no job or way of income who gets pregnant harms another life that he/she is responsible for, the baby. A person getting a sex change only affects physically, that person. Your parents may be upset or sad, but at the end of the day you can still do the same things you have always done.

Do i want my friend to kill themselves of course I do not i would be heart broken. But your argument goes along the same line as If gay people marry then pedophiles will marry kids, and Men will be sleeping with dolphins! ANARCHY. I mean come on. All I am saying is you do not have the right to tell someone how to live

If doing that makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone else in the process (and I don't mean by hurting feelings, "My mom was sad that i got a tattoo") Then do it. Why do you care what other people do when it doesn't affect you?

Dont Say that we have Zelda Coming in a week! And even more Nintendo Gorgeous Exclusive like Mario and Ive heard rumors of a great Smash Brother Portable So just hold on :)

I agree with you, I think the law should be you are not allowed to cite facebook or twitter. There used to bea time when journalist did journalism and not just hear say from every social networking tool, and gossip website. But I do agree with you the banning of words can be a slippery slope

Your Right a person can tell you they want to die, with an animal we make that choice for them....

Crazy enough Sarah Palin is Moving to AZ so Win Win For all of us Here in AZ! Now the rest of the country can laugh at us for two reasons!

Speaking of things being made for the hand.....I feel like there is a masturbation joke in here somewhere? God is Good!

@Arctic_Visionary: As a Parent I think this is great. Especially if they had been told multiple times not to play in the tub. If this was a recurring thing where the kids had been told I would say the punishment is fitting. I feel like if the story was the parents spanked their children for ruining the tub you would

@forever al_capwn: You could look at it as getting lazier but or you can look at it as getting rid of the stigma of of actually smoking something.

@Platypus Man: I think we all are missing something. Juicers For ALL!