
This time, they are allowed to prevent five additional women....

It was a gamble at best. Even if Judge O’Neill recuses himself, there’s no reason to believe that a new judge would be any friendlier to the defense’s case.

Children and teens need to understand that they live in a world where actions have consequences. This needs to be consistent or they grow up thinking that the rules don’t apply to them. The school board would be failing in part of its educational mission if it taught young Mr. Caffrey the lesson that he could violate

On what grounds?

I agree it’s a personal attack. And personally, I’d say everyone should make their case without ad hominem. Unfortunately most of politics in the US is personal attacks, and it’s only gotten worse since the election of Trump.

Her tweet was surely mean-spirited. But it’s hard to see how he can both have a national platform in an intense political debate and at the same time demand to be protected as a child.

Does a single negative tweet really constitute cyber-bullying?

What I’m trying to say is that you can’t hate someone so much that they’ll stop hating you.

But anyone can be a bigot. I don’t think anyone ever wins the game of out-hate the haters.

Do individual states even have standing to sue the Federal Government over how the Federal Government conducts the Federal Census?

If sufficient people do that, then your representational district might end up getting split and merged with others when they redistrict based on how many US citizens live where.

I know who he is, but don’t actively follow his life.

Did you not know that Nikolas Cruz bought his AR-15 legally?

I have no idea how many if any guns he owns, but I didn’t read anything that said he bought a gun. He applied for a permit that allows him to carry a gun in Pennsylvania.

Sure. I just don’t think it does any good to presume that people apply for permits for nefarious purposes. People who are up to no good, don’t usually go through legal channels.

It’s a permit. You can’t hurt someone with a permit....unless they’re going to stand still and let you try to cut them with the little laminated edge.

There’s not really any cause for concern with this. He followed the legal process. By-and-large the vast majority of people who follow the legal process, value the permit above the desire to do anything that would get it taken away.