
The tires come in the “Demon Crate”, which is their version of a track pack. It’s literally in the picture, lol. Untwist them panties a little.

0 to 60 in 2.3 seconds. thats the takeaway here.

I was thinking that, then they said 9.65 quarter mile at 140mph. Its not 1000 hp, but it is damn fast.

It’s a public toll road with no cops, not a trackday.

He’s an idiot but honestly he’s pretty much doing what it was designed to do. It’s like getting mad at someone who popped bubble wrap.

Let’s be honest, the real crime here is vertical video.

The Windows what now?

Tony Stark did that, too. In a cave. With a box of scrap parts.

That’s Nuts.

Yeah once. Got explosive dia....ohhhh I get it now.

The younger siblings of the world are pressing X to pay respects

Every time I’m driving and notice a questionable noise or smell, I assume it must come from my car, which is about to explode.

That every bridge I drive over is going to collapse PRECISELY as I cross it and send me plummeting in to the river below.

There’s the Ren & Stimpy-ass font.

Ah the IBM Model M we had a ton of these at work about close to 150 or more and my boss one day told me to throw them out. I asked him if I could take a few since we were getting rid of them and he gave me the green light.

The issue anymore is that options are bundled in such a way that you may not be able to even custom order exactly what you want.

“Sir, you will need to put your pants back on immediately. No, sir, please do not wave that at me. Yes, sir, it is quite chilly in here.”

When I get loaded, people call me “sir” all the time. Usually in the context of “please calm down, sir” or “sir, you will need to get down from the table”

You really shouldn’t purchase a car when you’re loaded.

Toyota be like