
Cops n Crooks was an online game type in GTA IV. Too bad they didn’t put it in this one.

RIP FOX Engine :(

Thank you! If this game was even half as well made or well crafted as even say Virgina than I’d say he deserved it. People are just too happy to jump on the “BOO YOUR A VILLIAN!” train because it’s the easiest thing that makes them feel good.

I love Kojima, and Goeff is a good host, but the whole video I was like...

An editor working on a gaming site, posting coverage of a video game, is obviously doing something horrible because you personally disapprove of the content.

-Clearly-, Patricia doing her job makes her a garbage person. Obviously.

Either do as Ka Mai suggested, and take your poor trolling elsewhere, or take the stick

What about all the haters who wanted an interesting single player exploration game with actually exciting planets?

Have you ever been followed by a car in the middle of the night on a dark road in Jasper, Texas? Now, that’s some real driving survival horror.


... ... ...

I literally stopped reading after

“last week that the avatar of someone she didn’t know virtually groped her in the online mulitplayer game QuiVR.”

WTF kinda world do we live in where this shit right here gets attention.

I thought you said “Paper Metroid” for a second and I was confused, yet intrigued.

It’s the not the size of the gun, but what you can...

I don’t want a skylanders game. I want a new spyro game.

No extra content whatsoever. No textures, models, or even audio. Also, if all you see are lore-breaking mods then clearly you are looking properly.

Oh, woe is us, the poor little indie developer who spends $200 on unity models and code, applies the weakest duct tape and glue humanly feasible, and then shovels the steaming turd directly onto steam. Who knew being litigious assholes would bite us in said asshole? Who knew that subpeonaing the very platform we rely

Well most of my knowledge of police protocol comes from Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit II so I’m pretty sure the helicopter comes in by the time you unlock the Ford GT.

We hardly need the first version. What is the point of this?

I hear there's a similarly cursed Panamera. Nickname: Fat Bastard.