Joseph Aaron Scharfenberg

Come now, you can get a classic "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" starting a $7 at Walgreens. What more would you need?

Well, I know that music controls are just a double tap of the home and a swipe to the side away even on an iPhone. I'd kill to have the wifi/cellular/bluetooth/airplane toggles in the notification tray though, something I really wish Apply would copy from android (the power switch on my BT keyboard in my iPad case is

Actually, I believe the ship if coming OUT of the water, rather than going INTO the water.

What's kind of funny, is that, these days, it's actually easier to find a 30-pin cable than it is a micro (or heaven forfend a mini) usb cable. At least, in my experience working at a drug store.

From what I remember, BRUSHCLEAN only left the mylars (what they call the price tags) a few years ago. Mind, many things have changed at good old WAG in the last few years.

I didn't see any CIWS emplacements, but perhaps I missed them.


Well, probably triple or quadruple the solar panels, and you might have enough power to run an iPad at full tilt (10.5 watts). It'll need to be much larger to run even a standard laptop (45-70 watts), and larger still if you want those speakers, lights, and extension cords.

Of course, the most important part of this is that, IIRC, this is from LAST YEAR!

About the only problem I have with this is that, who has an empty room like that in their house? This is a rich (or at least well off) guy who loves his feline companion enough to build an interesting play-scape for him.

Do you really want to know what that flap is glued down so well?

I use ⌘-C, -V, and -X all of the time when I'm typing with my bluetooth keyboard on my iPad. Combined with the arrow keys (which this one has with the "Fn" button), you can do quite a bit of word processing without using the touchscreen (though unfortunately either my BT keyboard doesn't work right, or iOS doesn't

While xkcd was referenced, Robert didn't key into the largest aspect of the "what if?", just using it to reference the scale between Earth and Humanity.

Yes, so, while everyone jumping at once wouldn't do much to the planet, it would do quite a lot to the humans living on it.

Because this way they can use 28 LEDs in two rows of 14 (PM/AM and 01-12 on one side, and 01-09 and 50-10 on the other). The least number of LEDs lit would seem to be at 01:00 AM/PM, and the most would, of course, be a minute before, at 12:59 AM/PM.

The key is not to split, but to deflect.

Well, I'm atypical, as I have both a dumbphone (and its really dumb, it's a tracfone that I get 1-2 calls a week on, if that) and an iPad (4G Verizon). I've never really been into texting, and I hate calling people since I rely more on facial cues than vocal ones in conversations, so having a cheap phone to carry with

Have an imaginary fake star for that.

Well, I wonder if that'll be an exhibition sport at the next Summer Olympics?

Yeah, sorry, but I'm with you on this one. Plus, R2D2 is much cooler than C3PO anyway.