
No, rutabagas are not a West Coast thing. It's just a "quirky" vegetable and "funny" word. I confess, what's keeping me from watching it (besides the terrible poster) is that I fear it's play on the manic pixie dream girl trope/cliche that was quite the thing a while back, only it's manic pixie dream boy this time.

Ha! Too true.

Reminds me of Trump crowing about how attractive his daughter is. Ick!

And her snooty drawwwwwl.

I've never heard of a wine with "spleen" in the name, but it does make sense in the ulcerian context. And the Dowager Countess certainly vented her spleen

I wish Rebecca hadn't burst in right when Calvin and Paula were all warmed up for some sweet, sweet lovin'. Calvin would know how to treat a lady! Hope they were able to get in on at the end, no interruptions. Calvin doesn't have a super-glamorous life, but he exudes confidence without arrogance. And that is very sexy

Yep, I meant Branson, Fixed.Thanks for catching that. I think he'd come out on the short end of the deal if he hooks up with Mary.

I just wonder if Carson and Hughes are really well-suited. Sure, they are approximately the same age and hold similar positions in the household. But, while Hughes is open-minded and compassionate, Carson is stuffy and old-fashioned. Plus he's mean to Thomas, who isn't exactly a great guy, but garners my sympathy. Oh,

We mustn't forget the biggest development of them all! Marigold actually smiled! That drab, dull little toddler lit up.

Was that challah that Floyd was serving? Challah is a Jewish braided bread; the recipe usually includes eggs. Lots of loaves in the background of that scene, too. Made me as hungry as a dog lusting for fresh ears!

Why did they cancel "The Hour" - and right at a cliffhanger? That show was superb!

I adored "Borgen" and have watched about four episodes of "Rita" so far - very entertaining. She (Rita) is such a weird, wonderful character you can just love/hate. As for the U.S. version of "The Killing," I gave up after about nine episodes. Just too grim, and not compelling enough. I tried, I tried.

David T is terrific, as are the other actors (though I wish his character would shave his neck whiskers!). Enjoy Season 1 - I'm watching Season 2 now.

Thanks, Doc! Yes, poor Mendelsohn looks like he needed to wear a good sunscreen when he was younger. I know he's an Aussie, and those folks tend to get overly sunned! Good point about Kevin. Norbert Leo Butz, the baby of the family, is 48. I confess, the show is improving a bit as I near the end. I still don't like

OK, I've watched the first four episodes, but my brain keeps tuning out. I keep clicking on other websites as I watch. I guess I'll continue, despite Papa Ray's awful singing and strumming, muddled and uncompelling storylines, Danny who looks almost as old as Papa, Kevin who looks 10 years older than John, none of the

Gussie - is that you, ol' sport? How are the newts?
Your pal, Bertie

Well, yeah, you've probably got a point there. But, damn, it would have been an interesting way to end a tedious story line.

A few weeks ago, an astute commenter wondered if perhaps Baxter murdered Mr. Green - remember she had been entangled with another servant, an evil guy who had led her astray - Mr. Green, perhaps. Now, that would be an interesting twist to the otherwise tedious Green affair. I'm disappointed that Denker, Violet's maid,

I noticed that about the little girl, too. She's certainly cute, but there's something a bit off about her.