
He could have at least tweeted, “17 years since September 11th! SAD!”

It’s totally fine if the final two competitors are friends. It’s fine if they enjoy themselves, and of course it’s absolutely fine if they both play the same character, even if it’s a character as disliked as Bayonetta is.

How the fuck did the Times mess this up? They hired a new editor who is Asian and a woman Great! She has some tweets that, taken out of context, look batshit crazy and not obviously jokes. People we don’t like brought it up, trying draw a false equivalency. The Times issued an EXTREMELY brief explanation of the

1. Space is scarier than the ocean.
2. Things in the Ocean are scarier than things in space.

I’ve been conflicted.

That info dump was bonkers.

Calling this simply a port is disingenuous at best. Also Fire Emblem is a fairly large franchise for a lot of people, and that was announced. A new Pokémon game, which while announced before the conference, is still upcoming.m; plus a slathering of great indies and great third party support. So, including the myriad

It’s exactly what I wanted out of a new Smash game. Putting every character from the series as well as making every stage have a tournament setup is amazing.

This looks like everything I wanted and more. I really appreciate the quality of life changes; this makes Shulk a hell of a lot more interesting.

Are you fucking serious?

Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.

I want my time back

True. Although I still think Avengers is overrated. The script is incredibly basic. The movie forces a fight between Thor and Iron Man just to have a superhero fight before the third act

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Google is a big organization. There’s proper procedure to go through.

Gamers:. “Git gud scrub.”

“ Snyder’s style of action animation is pretty awful when it comes to displaying superhuman feats”

Havent seen SS but I did like MoS and BvS.