
I think that’s a ‘uge part of it. Why help American citizens who can’t vote? That’s almost like helping immigrants and that’s against his policy.

That is a huge factor. Also, Puerto Ricans cannot vote for U.S. President, and assisting them is going to be complicated and costly.

Ohhh i am getting myself some and it probably tasts better then protein shakes.

Intentionally underfunding the census is part of this larger project, too.

Or it could be that punishing children for the sins of their parents is morally reprehensible and unjustifiable.

Listen lady, we don’t need those kinds of facts brought to these discussions. Sure, you might *think* data and reasonable thinking belong in these conversations, but that’s not what we’re here for. So take your well-crafted and logical argument and ‘git the hell out.

Immigrants can’t vote until they’ve been naturalized, which is not an overnight process. Limiting the vote via voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other tactics has a much shorter effective time frame. There’s also a substantial body of research that indicates that the immigration actually has a lot of benefits

The thing is though, picturing recent events as the result of a white elite maintaining control over a diverse majority is a huge oversimplification of what happened last year. Let’s not forget that the traditional Republican elite couldn’t stand Trump and he had huge difficulties raising funds; the grassroots tide

One gave, what are essentially American citizen’s, that only know America as their home, protections to remain in this country.

“Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!”


Yeah, there was a recent story about how NC Republicans shut down early voting and voting precincts in Democratic districts while expanding it in Republican districts. That results in no wait for GOP voters, and long lines and hassles for Democratic voters (and of course they were found guilty of massive and flagrant

What about 2006? That was a congressional election swept by the Democrats. There was no charismatic leader, just disgust over the way the country was being run. I think we’re all a little too guilty of short-termism when it comes to “The Democrats/Republicans are totally dead now”.

Obama’s victories say the opposite to me: the long-term plan is working well enough that it took a uniquely charismatic and talented politician to overcome it.

90% of the Republicans are white. White people aren’t having enough babies. So how do you attempt to maintain republican relevance? Kick out non-white babies, suppress minority voting, and gerrymander everything.

Gold star for this one.

Restricting and intimidating the electorate has worked exceptionally well not only in this country but other constitutional polities as well. France went through several stages in its history of limiting the vote or isolating large numbers of people.

It’s worked gangbusters in the United States

yes, people have been made to feel that voting is pointless and that it simply doesnt matter in the big picture. But until the bulk of people wake out of this stupor, gerrymander and voter suppression will only reinforce their beliefs.

Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!

Do we know yet exactly why macchu picchu was abandoned?

the Incas don't rate a mention?