
I feel a sort of swelling in the region of my wizened heart with all the international marches of solidarity...Thanks, women of the world, it feels good to know you are with us! Cheers!

Watching this is amazing. Protests around the entire world.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

He’s 70 years old. Considering that certain disorders are linked to the father’s age (autism being one of them), I wouldn’t risk having another child with him, especially if Barron is autistic.

Having been married to a narcissist, I can’t help but feel bad for her. He was probably incredible to her at the beginning, she probably fell madly in love with that false persona, and he probably had her sign papers that will financially destroy her if she leaves.

Of course she hates him. She signed up to be a trophy wife who barely had to deal with him. She thought she would be going on vacation all the time and spending money with abandon. Now she has to pretend to care about people and do random public appearances between vacations.

“She was probably secretly hoping he would be dead by now”

She didn’t sign up to be first lady. I’d rather have her as acting first lady than one of his daughters.

Donald is just a truly shitty husband. Exhibit H: He doesn’t even wait for Melania to exit the vehicle so he can walk with her/escort her up the stairs. Like school on Saturday— NO CLASS.

The bias people have toward believing attractive people are some how “good” is annoying.

And Carter lusts in his heart, still!

Seeing both couples so much in the past few days has driven something home: There is much joy in the Obamas; there is very little in the Trumps.

Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear

There’s more sparkle between the Carters than between those two.

It’s hard to tell given how rigid her face is. Botox and plastic surgery hides both loathing and great passion equally.

Given that she has always seemed to be suppressing her gag reflex every time he comes within two feet of her, this is hardly ground-breaking investigative work!

You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

Is America great again?

Dear Francesca,

I love this woman more with every tweet. Plus, we get double: