
Myths and Legends if you like stories. Also Bitch Sesh and Harry Potter and the Sacred Text.

I second My Dad Wrote a Porno. HILARIOUS.

Why oh whyyyyyy did I watch those!!! I guess I enjoy torturing myself. Obamas, I miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!! To think we once had a president who didn’t make everything about himself. Who loved kids and was empathetic and inspiring and encouraging. The differences between this man and our current

Can Mr. Obama “drop in” to the White House again and just stay? 

I don’t know why, but “MAXIMUM DEATH” just made me burst out laughing. +1 for you. :’)

Those videos are adorable. It’s so nice to see how happy and excited the kids are. Obama just radiates joy, light and positivity. While, he should not be named, is a black hole. I would love to meet him.

I miss him so fucking much.

:sobs into pillow: I MISS HIM SO MUCH

That made me not want to eat ice cream.

What’s scary is that someone thought this was a good idea.

Ice cream commercials should be like this ^...........not creepy.

And then they can have their goddam wall.

Yup and then they can all live in one big neighborhood where they can police each other to their hearts content.

This is a perfect solution. HOA meetings are just the right kind of hell for these monsters.

Put them all in one big HOA so they can take their tin pot dictators pettiness out on each other maybe?

Have you done an age survey of the sexist, racist trolls in the greys? Richard Spencer & Crying Nazi Chris Cantwell’s contemporaries?

Every time I read his last name my brain pronounces it “douche hat”.

To be fair, we can’t expect Ross Douthat to know women enjoy sex since they surely don’t enjoy it with him.

Some of Ted Kennedy’s and others work was done when they were older multi-term incumbents, with years of connections and respect and favors built up.