
I live in St. Louis and open carry is legal. After Ferguson, there was an open carry rally put on by the tea partiers (obviously meant to intimidate). Some folks from North City showed up with THEIR firearms (and their melanin) and suddenly the open carry tea partiers weren’t that interested in holding that freedom

Of course the cowards who showed up in Charlottesville last weekend didn’t stayed away from a city where open carry is illegal. They don’t care about the 1st Amendment; all they want to do is intimidate people.

Worst elimination in the history of RPDR. For that alone, I was no longer rooting for Alaska on All Stars 2.

100% true.

Yeah but, you know, one of those girls lent Alaska the very tank top she was wearing! (jk that was some bullllllshit)

You are 10000% correct.

Now playing

Love this clip. Giving these two a show is the best idea any TV exec has had since I don’t even know when.

There’s no amount of Trixie I won’t sit through to get me some Katya. KATYAAAA! QUEEN OF MY HEART!

Katya was robbed in All Stars 2.

Yes, this is what I believe. He’s not fired, he’s doing his job somewhere else. It’s much easier to spread his propaganda when people aren’t checking for Bannon in the White House. We’re falling for their bait and switch. That “War” headline on Breitbart isn’t with Trump, it’s war with democracy. We should be scared.

You get all the stars for using a Jason Momoa gif here to wash the bad taste of seeing Steve Bannon.

Musical chairs at the golf course

Bye Bitch!

Yeah, Bannon never wanted a functioning Federal government in the first place, so no way he lets up now that he’s on the outside.

I see Bannon as fomenting more “chaos” so that the future clashes and issues and call to do something lay at Trump’s feet. It really seems like the best policy... for Bannon. Get those Nazis and Klan all riled up, encourage them to hit the streets, etc. Force Trump (and the GOP) to either do something or face the

That’s it, I am buying stock right now in popcorn. All the popcorn companies.