As Above, So Below

I’ve had great success in arguments with women by dropping C-bombs! They can’t stand it.

I didn’t make it. I died halfway down this list.

You're thinking of the wrong fucking.

YES!! I remember when Netscape had the first social MMO like Second Life. I remember when the internet was so amazing that people didn’t use it to try and fuck each other.

I know a lot of words that they dislike. It all seems to be slang referencing a certain thing between the legs

Now, if only they can explain why most people especially physical scientists feel like psychology is complete bullshit.

They’re dead.

Ehhh!! Oohhhh! Get a load of Mr. Science Writer ova here. Color changing fabrics and he sees another display. Some imagination on this guy.

Also how did dudes ruin what they started and were always the majority interested party?!

I really hate this point in our society. So many fundamental systems and so many people that don’t know jack shit about them.

Yeah. But you wouldn’t want that reality no matter how many woman beatings it reports.

You’re actually thinking through what is coming out your mouth. I think you’re on the wrong site buddy.

Dunn dunn dumb!!

The problem with your reasoning on this part is in your definition of power as an objective attribute which by nature must be defined as an subjective judgement. Your own example you gave about the fluidity of bullying proves this point. The reality of power is that it is given and not something one has. To change

“You tune in to watch the neeewws, but some times... you get more than you expected! One sports reporter was fired over what he did with Prince. What was it? We’ll tell you all you need to know at 11.”

“He didn’t want it to be just a collection of news and trivia, but something that would challenge people.”

“Landing crew to Enterprise. We have made it back to Earth...year 19..69 Japan. The Oricomso device to be FOUND! Something went wrong with transporter. Kirk................out!”

Seemingly no connection at all?

Hmmm.... Sound like someone might be a member of StormFront.

Yep. This is what we do people. This is what it’s all been about since time immemorial. The Grand Arcanum and the Great Work is this. Cloning, sex orgies, more temporary material wealth, and of course control of the masses, but in such a way as that they don’t know or realized that we have this control. Yep. This is