As Above, So Below

Damn I misspelled excuses. OK, now. I said nothing about “too weak to speak”. I said if you are scared which based on what you say is exactly what you went through. I know nothing of the threat he used against you but do you think that was because of ignorance of body language? Doesn’t sound like it. Sounds like he

Females doesn’t include people? Really? If you can see any of my post it would be clear that you could never just dismiss me as trolling. I know you’re working to the best of your ability, but really to nitpick at something so small is just being a dick. Or whatever the equal opportunity girl/woman/mom/daughter/power

Oh no. It is far from ideal that’s for sure, but yeah its also way easier. It will also lead to friction between those who want segregation and those who don’t. Here’s something though. Why should I have to read body language again? You’ve got a mouth to just say something; anything. Oh, I make you too scared to say

I think a big part of this is the whole “reading signs” culture. That’s what needs to be done with. It definitely has caused a lot of misunderstandings and messed up thinking patterns.

Why not just have a segregated culture? It’s clear that boys/men are a danger to females and just generally unpleasant to be around. I honestly don’t want to be around anyone who just because of gender and likelihood that I make them uncomfortable, and they feel they need to be on guard.

That. Is. Hilarious! This is why I love this site.

Even in screwing over people Trump is keeping it classy. I can’t wait for the new Trump beer - Trump Equis.

Aww. Supporting comment about how hard it is to be a woman.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ashanti is still a thing?

Idolatry. When will people learn? Also, just why?

How? I believe women and men are quite different. Otherwise, we wouldn’t issue different terms.

There is NO SUCH THING at all in the entirety of existence that is EQUAL!!!! Please someone give me ONE example. You can’t use the mathematical definition because one it is a construction of compositions and two it is subjective. What does equality in the world look like and how is it determined! Please someone give

Who doesn’t already suspect this? No one is going to be surprised.

Thanks. I did truly just want a different point of view. I always have to be objective so it helps to more accurately create a probable profile of how others might be subjectively processing and reacting to a giving context. What better place than internet comment sections to source information.

That says it all don’t it sweetheart.

I just imagined a police officer or janitor cleaning up the backseat and saying, “I’m getting too old for this shit!”

OK, so naturally LMFAO. Now, I’m wondering why this is “news”( not that it has to be or is expected), and also more importantly; why did anyone have to post this man’s name?!!! I mean damn y’all didn’t even just use the first name. Y’all dropped his whole government with the hyphen and all!! Can we get his address,

I have no idea how that matters since it is one case out of a possible infinite span of lives and personalities but no I myself would not have sex with my brothers/sisters/family. I also wouldn’t do porn( others do), sell drugs( others do), and a load of other accepted and unacceptable behaviors because that’s me.

That is a half-truth.

See the thing is that science, art, modern philosophy, mathematics, religion, etc is all born from the one branch. We left you those things to help lead you back to our true path and generally to make life easier. All your “discoveries” in modern science have long been known and those questions which lead you closer