Extrapolating from FIA actions in 2021 and 2022, I predict that FIA will award the 2023 title to Red Bull--two hours before the season opener in Bahrain.
Extrapolating from FIA actions in 2021 and 2022, I predict that FIA will award the 2023 title to Red Bull--two hours before the season opener in Bahrain.
Short answer, no. The talented writers have left.
Does Jalopnik write any original content at all ? Every single article is written about someone else’s journalism! It is either an article about some youtuber who did the actual work or article just quoting another article in the news media!
You have to remember “Good” for them is based on their own cultures and tastes. Was taken to one that everyone raved about and I would say the best assessment is that it was similar to Indian food and lacked any amount of heat.
I live in a deep snow area and my A4 with winter tires can go anywhere that Telluride could. The standard Telluride is only 1.5 inches higher than my sedan. Oh, and the offroad version of the Telluride is .5 of an inch higher than the normal one so essentially no different. This is an appearance package at best.…
Keith solved the problem, if football is only on Sunday/Monday there won’t be any more concussions. God help the guys that have to play Saturday come playoff time, their brains are gonna be mush.
I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it.
I may have known something... live in D.C. Metro area ;)
It might not be Lechonk. It could be Tepig, or Pignite, or Emboar. Or maybe it’s Swinub, or Piloswine. It could even be Spoink or Grumpig.
Looks just like the Tiguan in the ad right above the article.
Generic SUV shape/style. Not saying that is bad, I don’t mind the Tiguan style either and is better than going all-in on over the top futuristic styling that quickly looks dated. But I’d have preferred if they would have gone more the Honda Element route…
And a higher quality of interior materials. My guess is suspension tuning and other aspects are changed as well. Also, you don’t drive a car from the outside, and the interior design and finish matters to some people. Mom did not like the VW interior. She may not like the Audi either, but I certainly prefer it.…
The continued “tears” for someone who created the situation for which she was correctly arrested, tried, and imprisoned shows a stunning lack of understanding. The US follows those same basic structures when dealing with foreigners who commit crimes.
I don’t believe The Root knows how international law works so let me break it down for you... People must abide by the laws in the countries they visit.
Ever been rear-ended by a drunk while waiting at a red light?
Oh, I’m referring to the (extremely) remote chance that the FIA will strip RBR of points from last year because they went over budget.
If you rent something to someone, you should anticipate those people are not going to be of the highest quality at least some of the time. Unless you vet your customers very well, which is expensive, this is going to happen. You build those customers into the cost of rental because they are inevitable.
Hey, maybe it will end up his first championship again. Be fun to get two “first” championships!
As a lifelong Democrat can I just say that the liberal bias in media has grown beyond tiresome. Roughly 50% of the US population is conservative. Conservatism includes a large swath of beliefs and opinions and yet anyone who so much as questions the most progressive views is instantly labeled a MAGA Nazi. Whatever…
Super Mario Bros wasn’t an arcade game.