I mean if we’re being honest here
I mean if we’re being honest here
Fair point, but it’s worth at least exploring because it could grab the adults/fruit flies that sneak indoors before they have a chance to lay eggs in the rubbish
Things that need to die:
Yeah, except that Kia seems to disagree with you on the specs of the cars that you’re implying that will make 591 HP.
I got the booster - moderna - as part of immune compromised approval. Reaction was slightly less than second shot
This looks very similar to the audi skyphere
Yeah, your research shows that you’re a absolute idiot.
45k gets you the base model of the Kia lol.
It’s not gonna get you anywhere close to the 591 HP model lol.
I was about to agree with your second paragraph, but if you do an image search that picture is about as tame as it gets for her.
I don’t know what to say.
Was going to be my exact comment. Writes for a CAR BLOG but says “forget all the gorgeous historic cars in a Jalop heaven and let me play golf instead.”
Raph and Erik don’t know much of anything really.
An old rich person’s sport that horrible for the environment and historically racist!
“Get these amazingly crafted moving works of art out of there so that we can play an old rich person sport”
And then you need to buy a car, which would be at a possible all time high price point
Big whoop.
I’m genuinely confused about this article, and the point it’s making.
Strange, no mention of Ford and GM’s support for Hitler’s war machine?
Ok Raph, this article is complete trash and I think you know it. First, there is really no proof that this particular car has any Hitler connection. Second, if you really want to throw this car to the dustbin of history at least be consistent. We have many other automotive and non-automotive subjects to cancel. IBM,…
This car is problematic if (1) it is venerated because of its connection to the Nazi era, and (2) the people venerating it are doing so as a back-handed way to praise Nazi accomplishments. Is there evidence of this in the actions of the owners, the judges, or the Pebble Beach management? Or is the fact that the car…