
sounds like they drove it like a knob.

I don’t see why anyone without kids who has a disney+ account would see anything in theatres.

every artist ever pulls inspiration from other things they have seen.

the only artists are the ones grinding their own pigments apparently.

this is what portrait painters were saying about photography 100 years ago.

someone had to give it a prompt and select from the results, tell me how that is any different than someone using any other tool.

oh look, a commenter on the AV club in 2023 who thinks marvel movies are dumb.

they are operated by humans.

it was clearly the fault of the RB crew running out to watch their man cross the line while others were still racing.

I would rather be a shit parent with unlimited money than the worlds best parent with none. 

this site doing a ragebait slide show about a ragebait youtuber is the bottom of the barrel that we never knew was there all along.

no u

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the unpaved section is your answer.

my man


cant step on Audi’s sales.

except one of those things happened a generation ago and the other is active on twitter. 

defending a pedo caught on tape asking a kid to suck his tongue is a new low even for you. 

Broke it