adding Prometheus means the list needed padding.
adding Prometheus means the list needed padding.
Normally I’d go to bat for creators over producers, but Fuller going wildly over-budget and claiming creative differences before leaving or being fired from a show is about as predictable as the sun rising in the east at this point.
How do you make Jason interesting over the course of a full series? He’s kind of a one trick pony.
He also thinks Tom Cruise is a fun guy so I think his credulousness is pretty well proven
We reiterate this sincere and unconditional apology today, for any offense caused by Mr. Schneider’s recent comedy set, at the Four Seasons Ball.
I feel like there’s a pretty solid chance that Sandler is just smart enough to be quiet about his politics and his constant hiring of shitty fash friends is no accident. Like he’s a registered Republican and he’s donated to fuckin’ Giuliani in the past.
“Phew, close one... anyway, I pulled some strings, and I got us a replacement on short notice. Do you guys remember that show Roseanne?”
You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.
And now she’s gone and fully identified herself to remove any doubt!
“The biggest lie in television history”
Sounds like your friends are the ones who should be having nightmares about a “social credit” system.
I’m assuming it’s Wolfs and not Wolves because of some joke in the movie where they both claim to be a lone wolf, and one of them says they’ll have to be lone wolfs together, leading to an argument about whether you’re still a lone wolf if you’re hanging out with another wolf.
Yeah I think there’s truly something new to be said that the previous 280 adaptations have never uncovered.
This is Young Sherlock Holmes erasure and I will not stand for it!
The Batman Forever soundtrack is excellent as well, and much better than the source material.
The Crow, Judgment Night, and Spawn are "90s alt soundtrack" all-star. And The Crow is the only one of the movies attached to those soundtracks that's worth watching.
They could at least get her job title right.