this is our world now
this is our world now
No mention of Walt Disney having the “evil gene”? How odd
Gargasmell, aka Fred Durst, still takes pride in this work with Limp Bizkit
Tagline: Rectum? Hardly knew ‘em!
the man does wear many hats
Stephen Fry has been mentioned at least once as existing in the DW universe. So, does the Doc recognize C as Stephen Fry, or just someone who looks an awful lot like Stephen Fry?
I think I might just believe TLJ as the end of the series
I used to binge The Simpsons all the time on FXX On Demand. The withdrawals have been rough. Probably another reason I’m thinking about D+
it’s an embarrassment of riches
Is Disney+ worth it? It would be my eight streaming app, so I’m not rushing to add another mix.
For the record, my current apps are as follows: Netflix, Hulu, Prime, BritBox, Acorn, Shudder, and HBO Go
I seem to find myself rewatching TLJ more than the others in the series. It was different, everything opposite to the cookie cutter stuff people complained about from TFA.
I’m not clamoring for a second season, but it it were to happen, I’d really like bumped up screen time for Looking Glass
Thanks for the recommendation!
Victoria Jackson must be lonely now
But Hamill eventually came around. His later understanding of the character’s place was great. But it came very much too late
I’ve never heard of The Brothers Bloom, but I’ll have to check it out. It’s free to watch on Youtube
And my local Papa John’s can’t even remember to include my dipping sauce