Guy Incognito

[UPDATE] Isn’t this one of those “Red Flags” that should get your guns taken away? 

Orange Jesus would survive both, who are we kidding

There are more worlds than these

these kids today...

Ellen’s gonna talk about how she was friends with Ailes

He looks better in this than he did in the Churchill make up

Come on, give the guy a break. His dogs were barking

“Heckstrom” didn’t have the same ring to it

I really needed a story like this today....

Why do you hate joy?

Zombies used to by may favorite horror genre, and then the over saturated market killed that 

Let’s bring that down a notch

Himself: The Next Kevineration

I’m sure you meant to refer to the character as Frankenstein’s Monster. Simple mistake, happens all the time

Animal Man was fantastic