Huh, maybe we should use Brawndo on plants. I mean, it does have electrolytes
Huh, maybe we should use Brawndo on plants. I mean, it does have electrolytes
The dude is fucking creepy looking, isn’t he?! I remember thinking, when I saw him in Ocean’s Elevent, “oh, that’s nice they’re throwing a bone to Ben’s lil brother. Too bad he’ll never get work on his own merits.” Then he was in another movie. Then another. And HE KEPT GETTING WORK.
He’s an impostor!
Not looking forward to the fuckwads ad Disney to sue these folk
I will donate to that GoFundMe
I’ve never watched an episode, but with that description, I may need to buy it all on blu ray
Not enough people have complained about Last Man on Earth being cancelled, and that makes me unpleased. That show should’ve been huge
It’s the bane of my existence
I’m guessing it’ll be like when The X Files did their “official season 11" in the comics under Chris Carter, then completely erased that when “official season 11" happened on tv
This phrase jumped to mind
I now remand a LL Cool J appearance in said show
Please stop calling it a reboot when it’s not a reboot
So far, my one minor gripe with Castle Rock is the “this town is cursed” motif. I always felt that Derry was the cursed town in Stephen Kingdom, Castle Rock just was unlucky
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Wile E Coyote IS NOT the same character as Ralph Wolf? All this time, I always thought Wile E was branching out on his terroristic act
I enjoyed your joke, warts and all
By the flagpole after school. Don’t even try to tell any teachers
Watchmen was great and I will fight anyone who says different
The man likes juice
So it’s a continuation of the character, not a reeboot