Nacho Man Randy Salsa

Why do the Red Sox always seem to have these idiotic beefs with other teams? It was the Yankees forever, then there was a while not too long ago when they were guaranteed to clear the benches with the Rays multiple times a season, and now Baltimore. What is it about this team than makes its players act like a bunch of

*actually beat John Cena with this gimmick*

Why does this video need to go on for 4+ minutes?

Now playing

Still a lesser crime to society than X-Factor

—Chad, honey? Maybe you shouldn’t watch the draft if it makes you feel sad.

Darren Rovell basically pays for himself since he’s all about Supporting Brands.

+1. Now I’m thinking Arby’s.

Austin Seferian-Jenkins: I look at this as a new start for me [I’M SUSPENDED]. It’s humbling to come out of the University of Washington as a highly ranked tight end [LIKE JERRAMY STEVENS] and not be successful in Tampa [LIKE JERRAMY STEVENS]. I made some youthful mistakes [LIKE JERRAMY STEVENS] and I know I don’t

Normally I’d agree, but I used to live in Dunedin. They draw a LOT of Canadians every March to watch the Jays, so a great deal of the spring training revenue bump really is non-resident money from people who cycle in and out on short visits. The town had a collective freakout a few years ago when the club toyed with

I was at that game, and I can best describe the atmosphere as the world’s largest, most enthusiastic minor-league baseball game. Just ecstatic, everyone was so into it. Every time one of the teams would score, the players would clear out from the benches to celebrate, and they’d interact with the fans to get them more

It was perfectly obvious to me.

Potential issues. He’s suffered an elbow flexor strain in the past, for example. And his pitching motion makes you wonder about his arm.


Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

They had about as much emotion in that call as Joe Buck’s lame-ass helmet catch call in the Super Bowl.

I am. Often. Thorin upsets me. Mostly because his name sounds Scandinavian. My mother always told me to stay clear of those people.

“You sit there and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn’t get you anywhere! Talk about your Psalms, talk about John 3:16... Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!” - Stone Cold Steve Austin

Was that picture made by holding your TV against the copier?

Umm, this is absolutely Hillary Clinton’s fault. She colluded with the DNC to win the primary by pushing negative stories about Sanders and holding debates during NFL playoff games. She got debate questions in advance because she never answers any questions off the cuff. She never connected with voters but it was ‘her