Nacho Man Randy Salsa

Thanks for ruining Batman vs. Superman for me. Dickhead.

FUCKING SPOILERS, DUDE! There’s probably someone out there who hasn’t seen it. Like on Neptune or something.

How is it even possible to be selfish on a baseball team? Stop hogging all the hits, Ichiro!

I scrolled down here to see who the biggest asshole is.


And yet, that class action suit still has fewer members than the nWo.

it’s a good reminder that memory is fallible and that the media loves pouncing on fun stories with little-to-no fact checking

I just...[rubs forehead]...what the hell are you doing on a sports blog?


Absolute bullshit. These comments are no place for accurate reporting of any kind.

Actually, that’s 100% false.

LA Fitness courts are war. I got a membership because it had courts. I stopped playing 2 months later. Just not worth it.

Jump ball? In a pickup game?

You're pathetic. Male feminist. Go get pegged you underemployed cunt.

Did I hear him say his mom who passed away was “looking up” at him? That’s either an unfortunate slip-up or some true shade.

I remember watching one of the last press conferences Lebron had when he was a senior in high school. (Ha ha. Think about the statement I just typed—how fucking awesome has this guy’s life been?) So a reporter tried to zing him by bringing up the fact that it was a little suspicious a kid “from your background” was

I can’t say who’s actually the better player between the two of them, but I do think that the actual on-court play is kind of secondary in terms of deciding GOAT in most people’s eyes. I mean, comparing the play of two players in different eras is kind of pointless to begin with... but aside from die-hard fans who

Cant agree with the “better player” thing. More versatile player, maybe. But LBJ’s size/weight advantage allows him to do things that Jordan physically could not do—not by any fault of his, BTW. He was just too short and small to guard the opposing team’s center/PF like Lebron can.

Here's my thing: MJ is great because BASKETBALL ITSELF was great during the late 80's early 90's.He was the best player during the best time; he had definitive rivals, which he crushed ever year. LeBron has never had a rival before, so he seems a little smaller by comparison. In reality, tho, LeBron is probably the

In 1987 I was 12 years old and living in rural Arizona. My sister, who was 15, was dating none other than Cory Caldarazzo—the local bad ass blond mulleted 16 year old with a rich dad who bought him an IROC complete with T-Tops. So by association I thought I was the shit. Well, Alice Cooper and the Scorpions played a