
I’m not picking a side here, I just want to point out that they are a “pillar” because they are the next best thing to slave labor. They can be paid below the minimum wage in certain fields(like literal fields) and although they pay into the system in taxes, they don’t get to cash out at retirement.

I expect that if you were standing between an rpg and a tank you were about to have a bad day whether or not the tank had a shotgun on it

Wow, I’ve been taking a break from XCOM until the dlc comes out, but this sounds like one of the best mods I’ve seen. I’ll be downloading for sure.

Ha, to be honest this looked like bullshit reactionary drama when I saw the headline, so I really only skimmed enough to say something snarky about it but not so much that it would hurt my brain. I assumed this was a party member or important character with this kind of outrage. But a random NPC? Man people can bitch

To be fair some of the repeated complaints in the article seem to stem from the lack of options on how to respond. I mean maybe they’re playing an asshole, or a religious zealot who would react negatively to that information.

I really liked this too, the only thing I don’t like is how little there is of her after you finish. I would have liked to go adventuring with her once it was over, have a story arch with her more actively helping people like she set out to. They have just enough to make her interesting and relatable, and then I

God damned linear time. I don’t know why we even still use it. It only ever leads to messes like this.

To be fair packs of hungry dogs, probably eating infected corpses, would quickly become a serious problem. Same with the birds who can actually fly away.

Now this I kind of agree with, my buddies and I laugh every time we get to this ham fisted line. Honestly it’s just so ridiculous given what they’ve been doing downstairs.

Errr which villains are sympathetic exactly? The rioters who shoot me or JTF on sight, and seeing as I’m not in uniform implying they kill civilians on sight too? If they want to play survival of the fittest, I don’t feel sorry for them when they lose.

Nu uh Telltale. No more from me until I get wolf among us season 2. You can’t leave a cliffhanger and distract me with zombies anymore.

Now you have achieved the first level of rig building, next you’ll be arranging fans to get the most efficient air flow, and before you know it you’ll be planning out your own custom open loop water cooled system because you know you can get .4 ghz more out of that processor if you could just keep it cool. It never

I was talking to a friend about this, and the conclusion we came to was that you don’t do PvP damage until you’re actually rogued. That way you have a better chance to defend yourself, and if you see it coming even have the chance to fire back before you’re hurt. The rogue system definitely needs tweaking.

Blah, at work and mixed up posts in my head going back and forth. Sorry if I came across as a dick, that first part was for the other guy. Oh well

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it’s probably a duck. Animals feel pain, I’m surprised this is still a question people ask. Humans aren’t some alien life form that have nothing in common with the rest of life on earth. It’s safe to assume at least any mammal feels pain pretty much

Chris? It’s that you? What are you doing on a American car blog?

You have the wrong name on the division clip in the video

Basically every society huh? That’s either pseudoscience bullshit, or at best an extreme exaggeration. You can’t prove that statement, and if you can I’d love to know how you, or anyone, tested the average Roman intelligence before the empire began crumbling, or the average IQ of a serf in the middle ages without

I play almost exclusively with friends in premades, it becomes pretty obvious pretty quick who is capable of coordinating and who isn’t. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a shield’s attention and called it with someone right on the other side and got no support. The ones that can work together make it worth it,

That’s how I see it as well, I thought we’d be getting content drops like that every month and that would have been amazing. Individually it was just bits of story with busy work taking the bulk of it. That was ok though since there was so much story going on with all those pieces together. It was only when I rushed