
No, semen would act as a lubricant. It’s not the semen.

The perfect punishment would be lock the kid in a room until he makes a perfect replica without any clothes and the floor is made entirely of haphazardly scattered pieces of Lego superglued to the ground, that can be use to build a replica.

But the floor is filled with tiny trapdoors that automatically hide

...Overwatch is not really a game...

He is the Eternal Champion.

Why would weird an pervy need absolution?

Too much Want Go Fast and not enough Skill Go Fast.

I wonder. Does Trump know how to play the fiddle for when he burns down the US?

Because you’re not very good at it and the Don would like you to get some practice in so he doesn’t need the new cleaner to practice on you.

First CoD I felt excited about since the second.

I always rationalized them as cancerous tumors. The tragic heroes always seem to have the worst prognosis.

But am I ;)



Quake 3 - 2016

the Menacing Monarch corporation

When I had completed my second playthrough of Mass Effect, I almost drove off the road a few times thinking how much easier it would be to drive up that one cliff and the jumpjet over the next ravine.

At least it can be used for something useful and interesting rather than american handegg.

And not every douche comes in a bottle.

cease development on Fable Legends

Yeah, winters have become miserable now that temperatures hang around zero and real freezing temperatures are a rarity :(

Generally, if I have to resort to the rocket launcher, things are already going horribly mutfruit-shaped, so probably the last two and the next thirty minutes of verbal communications consist of rapid cursing in three languages.